I took a break from baby quilts and visited a nearby Agricultural show yesterday.
They have a craft section so I snapped a few shots for you as inspiration.
I was especially impressed with the next one, but it would require far too much precise thinking for me!
As you can see, it won first prize.
I added to my animal picture collection with this shot from the animal nursery.-Gotta love a pig that whispers sweet nothings in you ear!
My sister's family came along as well, how cute is her Daisy!!
On the way home we got a little sidetracked and ended up at quilt shop, they had just shut but their window displays looked nice, so you can have some more inspiration>

From the stitchery quilt you can tell even Australians are mixed up over what season Christmas should be in!
I also manage to track my brother and his family down so met baby Jake. Apparently he is very good and sleeps all the time! A perfect late baby.
As they are horse crazy as well as being dairy farmers the blanket went down well.
Apparently I need to answer a burning question.....
How many chook do I own? Well, there seem to be between 50 and 60 hens running around this afternoon, also about 20 roosters (all far too handsome go in the pot!) Then there are about 70 chickens aged betwen new and 7 weeks, about 30 chook eggs are under clucks (that I know about!), as well as about 30 duck eggs are under clucks. There are about 14 ducks and 15 young ducklings.....and one turkey hen-who is sitting on Indian runner duck eggs!
And yes, I sell the eggs in town, also a lot of young poultry and I sell point of lay chooks later on.
Off to wash the floor and hang the school uniform washing that I forgot all about yesterday!! Have a great day, Tracey
Oh baby photos, so cute. Wow that's a lot of chooks and ducks. We have 11 chicks now and the ducks are still sitting. We have Muscovys only 3 hens and 1 drake. The chickens are all cross breeds we have 12 hens and 1 rooster.
The flying geese quit is fabulous.
Oh thanks for the reminder about the school uniform :) better put them in the dryer!
Darling babies; human and animal. Looks like the quilt was a big hit with the bird population too! Fertile grounds in your part of the world. :o) Babies will keep you in the quilt business. Thanks for sharing the quilt photos. The flying geese is amazing and I imagine lots of paper piecing.
Babies of all sorts are just so sweet to see.
Thanks for the quilty inspiration - like I need more projects to add to the list! The baby photos are adorable.
So nice to find your blog. Wonderful pictures of quilts and those two sweet babies!! Looks like a wonderful day to me!!!
Jake and Daisy are adorable!
The quilts are amazing! I love the red embroidered one and think it would be perfect for our season!!!!
I did see a show where they taught the technique of that prize winning quilt. Aren't the incredible? Lots of thoughts go into them, I'm sure.
Yes.....that is a lot of chooks!
Oh I love babies.. animal and human ones (especially when they aren't mine)...
yikes @ poultry.. thats a WHOLE lotta chicky fillets there Tracey..
I do hope Johnny aka Uncle Arthur is behaving herself/himself..
What a gorgeous photo of Daisy and Jake looks like a real little sweetie! Love his quilt too!
Oh those baby pics are sooo adorable! And the red and white stitching quilt is so pretty. I"m actually going to start that quilt after xmas! I can't wait to make it!
Awe, thanks for sharing such fun farm and family news. I always enjoy it. You put a smile on my face so often, thank you, Tracey!
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