I have sooo many things I need to blog about and only 5 minutes spare in the next 36 hours so much will wait until next time.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
2 buckets and a funeral
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
2:17 PM
Friday, November 21, 2008
A finish and a flower show
I am freezing...and very hopeful that this weekend may see an addition to the paltry 3/4 of an inch of rain we have had all spring. It may hurt the cut grass hay a tad, but it may save any more crop from being mown for hay rather than harvvested for seed in the coming months.
While it is very dry in this part of Australia, Queensland has seen more than 10 inches in a few days in some areas, terrible storm damage and hail as big as cricket balls, even in central Australia.
I am freezing because I have been playing semi midnight cowboy...or girl!
I WAS meant to be at the School PTFA end of year break up and AGM, instead I was facing off to a mental mamma cow who did not understand that the the two suspicious looking people (with rope and a calf puller hidden behind their backs) were friends rather than foes! She had a red hot go at the ute (truck) I was in, so when it was just me and her in the laneway I was quick to give her right of way! Never mess with a female in the throes of labour....my DH learnt that!
My poor family are going to be eating the egg salad and rocky road that were meant for the bbq all weekend. They aren't complaining about the rocky road.....
Something else unappreciated was the suggestion I made to my husband as he was standing on haybales trying to rope the cow as I ran her past; the suggestion that I really should have bought my camera as the great light, stormy sky and lassoo action would have made great shots....For future reference...let's just say that a farmer who has been cutting hay around the clock and has to stop to spend a few hours chasing a cow that loosely is the responsibility of his wife does not appreciate the need for my blog readers to be in on the action!!!
But, onto sewing. Yes, there has been some!
If this quilt were a house you would call it overcapitalised. It was an order for a baby blanket and of course I could have just used the panel and the name. But when you want something to be special and treasured it doesn't matter who is getting it, it still has to be as good as possible. So it got Murray grey appliqued cows and the property name embroidered on as well. It also managed to be finished a whole 8 minutes before the girl turned up to pick it up so, unlike my DH doing his cowboy impersonation, you got a picture.
It has a great matching farm flanelette backing so it's cosy.
A week or two ago when I held the Church morning coffee we had a bloom and succulent show as well. I snapped a few shots of my favourites to share.
1st. Iris
2nd Jacobean lily
some kind of succulent!!
Clematis...at a distance
..and up close
An amaryllis
A rose whose name escapes me...but by any name would smell as sweet!
And one of my great new mauve oriental poppies that have come from crossing a red fuzzy with a pink single. The heat and wind fried them all nearly overnight but I managed to get this one.
The rain is coming down, I wont mind if it keeps me awake on the tin roof all night...have a great day, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
11:42 PM
Labels: finished quilt, garden
Monday, November 17, 2008
Economy saving fabric purchases (??).. and show and tell
As I take a break from being surrounded with visoflix and enough letters for the names for 6 santa sacks I'll share some show and tell.
Firstly, the farm panel on Jake's blanket was in the $2.99 last call at Hancock's, I got these 4 above in the same deal-Good enough to win me over even with our dollar in the proverbial toilet at present!
Another good deal was these zips.
I happened to wander into a little sewing shop in town as the owner was tipping these out and wanting to get rid of them, I got 100's for my purses and paid $10 I think. I love a bargain and often source my zips at the op shops, but a whole heap of uniform size and colour will make the purse sewing much easier.
I had quilters here on Friday night. While I cut up letters, Chris clipped her Heather Bailey shaggy.
She has also been working on a table runner and attempted her first machine quilting, very artfully I thought!
Well done, Chris!
We have another baby here...we so needed another pet! But this is rather cute and, scout's honour, it really is the only one of one. Last year she had two under the BBQ, this year the one appeared during last Tuesday's Bible Study....perhaps we should call it Christy after the DVD series we are studying this term.
You can tell she only has one baby by the size of it's tummy!
The mother has moved it to the backdoor mat! I hope i don't wander out in the dark and squash it!
She is a fabulous mother, no matter where the kids move the kitten, inside or out, she is there picking it up and putting it back on the doormat!
Better get back to these santa sacks, doing them assembly line style so probably the first peek you see will be of all 6!
Must go and see if we have a new CSI on while I sew.....has Grissom left in the US yet, last week he slept over at Lady whatsherface's. Don't know how the show will go without him...any good??
have a good day, Tracey
Oh...and just a note...to the poor girl who googled these key words ....
"how do i get rid of feelings for an old boyfriend"
"want to call an old boyfriend 3 times"
"and going back to an old boyfriend will it work"
...and according to statcounter ended up with me on my blog on all 3 occasions, i hope I helped although i know not how....and if you happen to come back here my advice is start enjoying life and even looking for the next boyfriend. If the old one comes back at least you aren't sitting there looking needy and pathetic...and if he doesn't come back you are 3/4 of the way past him anyway!
*Ed. note. all advice learnt from sometime bitter experience! As Carrie Fisher would say on When Harry met Sally"...'please tell me I'll never have to be out there again!!'
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
8:58 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Quilt displays.
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
4:18 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Second families
Remember my first babies of the Spring? You saw hatching pics and early pics, I thought you may like the update 7 or 8 weeks on...
a few changes aren't there! About half inherited their mother's 'frizzlenessness" and the rest have normal feathers. They are a scream to watch around the yard, they look like they would be better served as dish cloths!
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
10:35 PM
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Chook blocks.
The Church ladies morning coffee went well, 20 ladies and their kids came, the weather stayed nice and the trading table made over $350! Some of the leftover plants stayed here, and I bought a few, DH thinks we will need to expand the garden.
Off to the movies, have a great day, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
2:29 PM
Labels: chooks
Thursday, November 06, 2008
A calf and a shirt quilt.... or two.
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
11:08 AM