Tonight's post is proudly bought to you by the following product....
No, I have not been taken over by big business...well not unless big business desperately want to take me over!! These are, in fact, my new secret weapons.
Not sure anyone has noticed but there has been a distinct lack of handsewing done around here for the last 6 months, the only piece was a labour of love for Susan's stitchery swap piece, and even that ended up late!
Well, there's been a reason, my hands have been really giving me a hard time, pain, but mainly pins and needles and numbness all night. The little worrying part of me googled MS and of course these are some symptoms but when i finally mentioned it to a few people, the general consensus seemed to be carpal tunnel. The chiropractor has been working on the wrists with limited results and then, just when I was contemplating something more radical my lovely friend Robyn suggested these gloves. After a few nights, no day time troubles and straight away no constant night time waking to then shake my hand back to life. So I thought that may be worth sharing with all of you, as sewers.
Seeing I can sew again, I have been working on my Winter swap 35 degree temperatures! Couldn't quite get into winter tree or snow flake mode, but these dark reds and creams speak Winter to me, hopefully they will to my partner.
Have I shown you photos of Fluffy General's 2 fluffy babies? That's the last time I believe a cat giver-awayer about the cat being a male! Males don't normally have 2 kittens, and just when the others have homes!
Anyway, this one is not excited by my progress on the hexagons for my Winter swap,
-Hands up all those who think I should be further ahead.
Yes, you are probably right unnamed kitty...but you know, the heat, the hands, the kids on holidays, the cricket and tennis on TV, the heat.......
Speaking of heat, the last of the other 3 kittens, Gilly, did something to his hip so hasn't yet gone to his new home, his mother decided when the others left that her feeding days were over.....Gilly aint so sure-
Now general Fluff is asking, didn't I only give birth to 2 kittens...and I'm sure there were none with white!! Now for some reason that really amuses me, because it kind of reminds me of Pepe le Pew...only Gilly hasn't needed to paint over the white!
If you can get away with it on hot day....
Glad to know that your hands are feeling better! Don't know if I mentioned it, but acupuncture worked wonders for my carpel tunnel.
Love the kitty pictures too.
Good to hear your hands are feeling better! And thanks for the tip on the gloves - I think perhaps I'll get a pair for my sometimes aching wrists.
Your project for the 4SQS looks great! And you still have a few days to finish it! Best of luck and dont strain your hands!!! Take care and have a good Sunday :o)
Great to hear that your hands are doing better. My mom has the same problem, she had surgery, but they are not any better than they were.
The little kitties are so cute. We just got a cat a few days ago from the animal shelter and he in neutered. He is just now starting to come out of hiding.
Been there, doing that regarding the hands. There is nothing worse - especially when your busy and trying to get things done. Try taking some Vitamin B tablets. I was told that Vit B is often a vitamin that we are lacking and apparently the specialist here recommends it for his carpel tunnel patients with great results. I have noticed a difference. If the hands are too bad the Doctors can inject them - I had both wrists done - with amazing success - five months pain free and still counting. It's not really painful - promise...vbg - and the Doctor can do it in his rooms. When all else fails - surgery is the way to go. I might get some of those gloves though - anything to prevent the pain reoccuring.
Love the kitties and your hexagons - it's hard to get into the winter mode when it's so hot - but those colours are winter to me.
Awww look at the kitties, they are beautiful. Tracey as for your hands so glad you are feeling relief, because I've had carpal tunnel and it went away as mysteriously as it came. But it was painful, so painful I couldn't even shake a person's hand. So I really sympathise with you. Just take it easy so it doesn't come back.
I love hexagons, can't wait to see how this one looks when done...
Oh I hope that your hands keep feeling better. I had those gloves - I was told to wear them at night. I think it made my muscles lazy, because during the day, my wrists felt really weak. Do you only use them when you are doing handwork? Take it easy!
Your hexagons look fun! Great colors. I just began making a baby quilt with the 1 1/4" ones. Glad you've been able to find the gloves that can help you get back to handwork.
I have used those glove thingys, too. They're great.
Hi Tracey, Sorry to hear about your pain, that is interesting about the wrist gloves. I get the same problem in my right hand/arm I also have problems with my neck which I think contributes to it as well. There is nothing worse than that horrible pain at night. Do you get the gloves at the chemist?
I will give it a go. I do a lot of computer work using the mouse too which tends to aggravate my wrist as well. I love hexagon quilts and I really love the colours of your hexagons. I checked the settings in my template and everything is checked as you say. I am getting comments through from people in my email so I don't know why there is a problem when I leave a comment.
I have got my email in my profile so hopefully that will help. I don't want to appear rude by this not working properly.
Love your kitties, so cute.
Take care, kind regards from liz
Love all your kitties. Glad to hear you can sew again. Your hexagons look great. Happy stitching.
Vitamin B and fish oil capsules have made a huge difference for a few people I know. A friend was just diagnosed with carpel tunnel and immediately put on Vitamin B supplements.
The cat pictures are wonderful.
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