Friday, December 31, 2010
'Tis hot, darn hot!!!

Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
4:07 PM
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
And out with the camera....
I love the Spring.....soon I even hope it may change to summer (38 degrees expected here for New year/s a shock after highs of very low 20's all month!)
We have had some crazy phenomenons(to do with the crazy weather, I think) including these spider webs that appeared all around the local lake, very eerie!
More kittens as well!!! we will have to do something about the promiscuity of Magnum, she is lowering the farm's tone!This is one of her latest babies preparing to wine and dine a chicken!
Archie is asking people to join him in calling for the sterilisation of one whose children are disturbing his previously peaceful life!
And, why did the echidna cross the road?? So I could take his photo of course!! How cute is this fellow!
Last but not least, a gift idea for you... A good friend has kids my age and is spending ages every night at sports. The worst is the swmming training, the main seats are concrete bleachers, she was telling me this the other week so i made her a discreet quilted cushion/bag. Noone really wants to cart a cushion everywhere, but this is magazine carrying size, then if she just takes her stuff out it's comfy cushion. I lined it with chenille and it's fully reversible so if she doesn't want to sit on the outer she can just turn it inside out. She loved them and wants me to make more. The basic bag is my quited tutorial one in the sidebar links. I gave it a side handle here, up to you on the handles.
Have a great day, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
12:01 AM
Monday, December 27, 2010
Not dead!
There has also been some sewing, this was made for my friend's daughter's wedding. It was all gift cards and money suggestions, and i am afraid that didn't excite me. i knew from watching her mother make the wedding cake that the whole theme was peaches and cream, so i managed to find some peaches and cream in my stash and make her this.

These have been this week's projects...delivered Christmas Eve by the skin of their teeth! They are quilted santa sacks..and santa could almost fit in them, ok, well, a small child could use them as a sleeping bag. They were a paid job that has covered nearly a year's worth of hancock's purchases in one lot of sewing! They're also fun, i love the idea that these little children will drag them out every year, fo maybe the next 70 years, to celebrate Christmas.
Hope you all had a very Merry christmas with family and friends, hope you aren't all freezing in the Northern winter, that looks major!! It's not freezing here, you just need to be able to swim..over roads!
I'll leave you with some of my newest babies, and promise to be back again much sooner...cheers, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
5:38 PM
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Gratitudes today, these gorgeous children, one who has spent all day baking for shearing! Rain....the fact the man I like at the camera place had the good sense to "die" at a school yesterday where a well trained teacher bought him completely back!!... and free shipping!
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
1:52 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Aprons, and shaggy quilts..and tractor work!

Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
9:26 PM
Friday, September 17, 2010
Join me to ban dressy functions for the over 40's!!!
When I was 20, there was nothing better than dressing up and going to a formal or semi formal event....New dress, shoes, hair taking an hour and makeup on, even though in those days little trowelling was required to cover up!!
Now, at "over" 40, the idea of attending a function like this is just a pain 'cos....
- I forgot to get miraculously skinny this week and now I have to go out with a heap of 20 something netballers. And no, it is not good enough for the soul just to keep imagining they wont be skinny when the netball stops and the babies come!!
-I can't be bothered wasting perfectly good fabric-buying-money on a new dress when there are a few I fit into already in the cupboard (that are only worn once or twice and not cotton so I can't cut them up- so may as well wear them!!!)
-The one dress that doesn't make me run screaming to the pantry to madly throw all the food out requires a FAKE TAN! Do I need to say more!
-It is cold here..and I want to be warm and cosy all night. I don't own a formal dress that keeps me warm and cosy and I draw the line at a Cardy! Fake tan does not keep me warm!
...pass me the chocolate....
fixes everything!
And join my new dressy function ban!
ED. Note!! AND the fact that i hate that I am spending more time choosing the right suck-it-in underwear than the dress!!!
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
9:56 PM
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Bits and bobs...
After missing so much blog time I seem to have a good few photos floating around to share!
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
10:39 PM
Friday, September 10, 2010
The warm..and the wet!
Me and my boy "helping" dad cook the BBq on the rooftop, unfortunately it had a distracting spa!! And i am sure I am only holding a can of softdrink and a book!
And here is what home looks like...
This should be a cropping paddock!
And this!
And this should be a road!!
Lucky the holiday was fun because the DD is not a a happy camper about his farm!
I haven't taken too many pics because it's too depressing and NOT what we want to remember! But, of course, many on Australia and Pakistan are far wetter and far worse off, Pakistan really puts a loss of income into perspective.
Hope you are all well, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
4:00 PM
Friday, July 30, 2010
Back online...finally!
Guess what, I have been away in Africa on Safari...missed me?
Okay, okay, we actually visted the Werribee Park Open Range zoo actaully. No time for overseas trips for me!
No, real reason I have been away...again. Never live in the internet eqivalent of the outback!! Well, only 20 minutes from a largeish town really! But we only get mail 3 times a week and I have been off line on and off for 10 weeks, and 6 weeks basically off. I now have my 4th modem in 6 months (industrial strength!) plus a big antenna on the roof...and if you have read the Stephanie Plum books you will remember their views on the cable companies from the book with the taxidermist, well, I am with them!!!
So, what's new...well, I have just worked my first full time week teaching for lots and lots of (probably pre baby) years! I have 3 weeks to go, so not a lot of quilting at present, binding to go on this weekend, then something to post!
A few more shots form the zoo...
Loved the next 2 photos, they made me feel skinny!
More news, turns out I shouldn't have blindly believed the man we got DD's kitten from last November, turns out Magnum never developed the right things in the right places, but ended up the proud owner of these....
Now, we knew the real Magnum was pretty impressive, but would like to see him manage this!!
Of course, we are adoring them, we weren't quite so excited about her commencing the birth process on the kitchen floor, Dh drew the line and put her outside, she had them on the door mat with 2 very interested young observers not missing a minute of the process! We transferred her into a cosy basket and she has spent the rest of the time being a devoted mother in the middle of my kitchen! Why, oh why, does everything end up in my kitchen?
Daisy niece loved "boos, boos" we had a hard time teaching her how to be gentle! But SO cute!!
Anyway, hope you are all well,and yes, I know I owe emails..I have only managed the odd 5 minutes on other computers. Here's to extended service! Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
7:39 PM