Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Australian bushfires-Quilters can help!

Thank you for all the support and concern expressed ...for the Australian public in general and me as well-though everything is quite fine in our area. It has helped at a time when we all feel very flat while witnessing all the tragedy and heartbreak.
This truly is a terrible time, but it is also something that is making us, as a society and community, move our sights away from global economic issues to what is truly important...peoples lives. It is very sad that it often takes a disaster to rethink priorities, but that is unfortunately our human nature.

You will be very pleased to know that the denim and 'love is all around' quilt already has a name embroidered on it and is resting comfortably adjacent to a humidicrib, where a baby girl who perhaps came a little early as a response to her mother finding out their home and street was lost while they were away, sleeps.

I met that lovely mother today, and she was so thankful for the patchwork blanket, she loves patchwork and wistfully spoke of the many items she had in her home...though she is not a sewer.

So, here is my plan. The idea of where to start to help everyone involved seems almost like the memories of being a non quilter and looking at a completed quilt and thinking, "Where do I start? It's too involved, too hard"....but then you learn to break it up into smaller and smaller sections and pieces and realise that you can achieve those building blocks that eventually create the end result.

For this reason, we are going to start by making this specific lady a quilt. And anyone out there in blogger world who wants to help Australian fire victims, here is your first building block.
The Chocolate cat is going to help me put it together, as I am sure, will my quilt groups. The lady in question loves the country style- the plaids, checks and burgundy's. I think you get the picture...cream based rather than white, that type of colouring. We are thinking a sampler quilt, with nice big blocks of twelve and a half (12 1/2) inches with seam allowance (for 12 inches finished.) So you can choose your favourite block, make it in 12 1/2 inch size from your stash and perhaps have it on the way by this weekend...or by next weekend anyway!

Should we get more blocks than for just one quilt we will work with this lady to assess other suitable recipients, we wont be just blindly loading them on blanket trucks to perhaps be overlooked or unappreciated.
Please comment here if you can contribute or email me if you are no reply so i can get the details out to you. Let's get this happening quickly so we can start wrapping people in quilts of love.
Hoping to hear from you, have a great day, Tracey


Unknown said...

Tracey - send me your snail mail address by return of email and I'll get one into the post for you - it'll obviously take a little longer from the UK but the thought is there - cheers Anne

Clare said...

I'm doing a Maverick Star block for Camp Follower, but will add you to the list. Like Anne, it may take a bit of a time to arrive, but it will be on its way hoepfully early next week.


Michele Bilyeu said...

Tracey, I will make a block(s) too and I will post this on my blog. While 500 and more people a day come to my blog, most come for the 2,500 free quilt patterns and free tutorials. I can't always get them to read my daily things or to comment...but I will send emails to those I know and try that way. Send me your mailing address and I will have a block from the U.S. from you. If each person who reads this just did the same...that's all it would take. Michele

Kim said...

Of course I could make a block! Or two! Let me know what kind of guildlines you're thinking about as to color and I'll whip them out. From what you've said about color, I'm sure I have plenty of Thimbleberries scraps that would fit the criteria.

QuiltedSimple said...

Tracey - send me your snail mail address to tkjtbair at verizon dot net - and I will get one out to you early next week. I'll do 1 over the weekend. This is a truly worthwhile cause! THanks for organizing!

Ann J said...

Already making Mavericks Stars for Camp Follower, so what's one or two more ! Please let me have the snail mail addie and I'll get something to you by the weekend !
Glad to have a chance to help somehow !...Luv AJ

Needled Mom said...

Great idea, Tracey. Count me in. I will get it in the mail soon, but it will be coming from the states. Please let me know where to mail it.

Anonymous said...

Tracey, count me in on helping out. Please send me your snail mail address and I will send a square ASAP!

Chookasmum said...

Hi Tracey,
Count me in to please, however I might be a little slow with organising the "Sanity Saver" packages, but I am sure there will be plenty of blocks to make more than one quilt. I am so pleased that we are able to incorporate our favourite hobby. quilting into helping these people, it feels so much more hands on, still donating cash tho, but these things are much more fulfilling and person to person caring.
Lorraine (

Anita said...

I'd like to make a block or two. Where do I send it?

Anonymous said...

Tracey, I will get a few blocks in the mail to you....first part of the week.
Hugs, Barb

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

I will be happy to make a block or two.

Margaret said...

G,Day Tracey, Send me your snail mail and I will send something for the batting etc.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Tracey I would love to help out please send me your address and I will get some blocks done on the weekend and in the post...this is a wonderful thoughtful idea thankyou...

Anonymous said...

I would love to help out, please email me the mailing info. It may take a bit longer coming from the US, but I'm glad to do it.

Louise SS said...

Send me an address and I will send some blocks. I sewed some today so they are ready to go!
My email is:

Sherri said...

If you still need blocks...I'd love to help!

Lily Boot said...

Tracey - I've followed the link over from Chocolate Cat and would love to contribute to a quilt for this family. I will make up the block today and send it off asap. If you could email me the address that would be great - email is And let me know if you need more.

Purple Pam said...

Please include me on the list. Email me and I will get a block/s out to you this weekend. Could you use finished quilts, or quilt tops?

QuiltPeace said...

I would love to send you a block from Greeneville Tenn - please give me the address to mail it to -

Carolyn said...

Hi Tracey, it's great that you're co-ordinating this. I've got some blocks to send - could you please email me your postal address? Thanks, Carolyn (

Carol E. said...

I'll make at least one right now. Not sure I have the "perfect" colors, but I'll do my best. Please email me your address! I think I had it once but no longer do. Thanks for giving us this chance to help!

Anne Heidi said...

I would love to make a block for this project. If you send me your snail mail adress I will have it in the mail on Monday!

dee said...

Count me in. I'll make some blocks this weekend. Send me your address please. I'd love to help. Do you need additional fabric as well? I could throw in a few fat quarters to aid in backing. I had some fabric that was for another charity but they had enough and so it's up for grabs. Thinking of you all and sending prayers.

Wenche said...

I would love to make a block or two too but an address for mailing is needed :)

Anonymous said...

yes, why not
I completed already a maverick stars top for Tia, so I can make some blocks for you too

just need your adress

Teresa aka MarieSews said...

Tracy, I'd love to help. Count me in for a log cabin block. Will try to post early next week from the states. California had it's share of wildfires these last few years and while we have not been close in our area, it is still heart-wrenching when so many lose so much. Thanks for the opportunity to help in a small way.


Lurline said...

Tracey - you seem to have had a great response - do you need more blocks? I'm happy to help, but maybe you are over-swamped! I have quite a few irons in the fire, but would be pleased to help out!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Anonymous said...

Tracey I have your address, but I'd say from the amount of response you'll have plenty for this lady. do you still want that colour combo? I don't have much in the way of burgundy.

YankeeQuilter said...

I know you have had a strong response but I would love to make a block...could I have your address. I know I can get it in the mail to you on Tuesday (Monday is a bank holiday here.)


If you would like other colorways let me know...I have several orphan blocks from sampler classes in this size...

Jodie said...

Great idea!!!!! I'll get a couple whipped up today and have them posted before the end of the week... What's your snail mail tracey???

Take Care
Jodie :)

Marie said...

Please send snail mail address so we can send blocks and instructions to what you wantdone. Thanks , Marie

Anonymous said...

I only just came across this post, can I still help?