The night...or morning...of Christmas.

Well, not really the night before Christmas here any more....actually is Christmas, 1.01 am.
You just missed Santa....I nearly got him with the trusty camera...but not quite. The Santa sacks are full, so he must have been here.

The kids are tucked up in their beds, more excited than I have ever seen them. They did a great job in their Church Nativity tonight, then home to put out Santa snacks and listen to "The Night before Christmas". There was the most amazing shooting star over the Church yard sky as we talked outside tonight...I think it is a good sign.
I was very impressed that Santa has Patchwork quilts.....unfortunately my Dad will have to wait just a little bit longer for his. Did you know it takes ages to double a completed quilt, especially when you are only getting the hours between 10 pm and 1 am to work on it?
The width is now done, just needs the top attached....and new backing attached....and the binding all put back on...and sewn down....sigh.
Why isn't it done?
Why isn't it done?
The days have been just full of Christmas, of making Gingerbread houses with the kids, wrapping and making presents, bike riding, catching up with friends, farm stuff and cleaning....Dad will cope, should get it fairly soon.
I was hoping to get around to each and every blog friend and say Happy Christmas-but it is now 1.11 am and my kids will be up at 5 am, so I will say hello to everyone between now and New Year, pinky promise. -as my son would say.
Been very cold here, lots of rain but no flooding...nearly did get close to the unheard of white Christmas.
Been very cold here, lots of rain but no flooding...nearly did get close to the unheard of white Christmas.
Have a great next few days, and don't forget the reason for the season, lots of Christmas love and good wishes, Tracey
The kittens and kids wish you a Happy Christmas......
A Very Merry Christmas to you Tracey!!!
Merry Christmas Tracey!
Sorry I haven't been by to visit lately, but I hope to do better after the holidays..
It seems very strange as we chase our three up the stairs to bed over the next wee while to think that Santa's already been to your house - hope he left the children everything they're hoping for and a healthy and happy new year for you especially DD
Merry Christmas!!! I hope you enjoy the holiday season.
I've been doing the NORAD tracks Santa thing since early this morning, and Australia was one of his first stops. Love your almost-picture of him. =)
Hope it was a great day!
Merry Christmas!!! Kids and kittens are adorable. bet they all have lots of fun opening presents and playing with wrapping paper and ribbons.
Merry Christmas Tracey!!! Hope you enjoyed the day with family and friends!
Here's to a wonderful New Year,
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