It is hot work just breathing outside today.....39 degrees celcius at last check.It is probably lucky I only planted one punnet of tomatoes last night because I have a sneaky suspicion that if I were enthusiatic enough to go out and check I would have none too many left-even with shadecloth...oh well, hopefully boxes of sauce tomatoes will be cheap when I want to make sauce.
There is meant to be a slight change, but only down to the low 30's and then 42 degrees by New Year's. I think a New Year's Eve pool party is on the cards.
Speaking of New year's, I have begun my ritual Christmas to New year tidy up. I hate to carry over a heap of unfinished jobs to a new year so today was my pantry clean-while watching the cricket...tonight will be paperwork and tomorrow and Monday are the backyard and the office.
The backyard may have to be done about 6 am!
Have you started thinking about your resolutions?
I was discussing this with my sister yesterday. My major one was to do things as they need doing (read:...don't put off the boring jobs and go off to make quilts instead) My sister says that sounds very much like last years! My other one was to keep the car clean(read: don't use it as a portable office)-she said that sounded familiar as well! She is lucky she is pregnant or she may have received a sisterly punch!
That made me think of what kind of resolutions I should really make....something achievable like:
1. Tidy the kitchen in the morning before turning the computer on.
2. No blog reading unless the washing is on.
3. Work out what the family are eating for tea BEFORE leaving the house for the sewing room.
4. Empty the car on Saturday mornings...preferably by parking it next to dumpster!
5. Stop everything I am doing at 9 am and do half an hour's farm book work and telephone calls ....not half an hour more's shopping online at the Fat Quarter Shop.
6. And finally...measure twice and not unpick once!
What are your achievable resolutions...come on, be honest and share!
We have also had a night at the beach, got back yesterday. Here are the kids enjoying themselves.

They have really mastered those boogeyboards.
Here is a scene from the breakwater, a gorgeous evening.
Regarding DH's photo book-he loved it, said we had really found him a present he loved-finally. My sister really loved it and as I have all the good pics of her kids I am thinking another one is on its way by her mid January birthday-speaking of which, I had better sign off and start organising photos....or swimming in the pool, whichever comes first.
ps we are down to 2 kittens and both of these go to their new homes next week...so forgive me another kitty pic!
Also, Donna has posted about 70 photos of the Secret Santa Christmas swap presents. They would be a great resource for quilters, pop over to her blog and scroll around for a look...and at her flood pictures...Santa almost didn't make it into Coonamble!
Have a great day, Tracey