If it rained they may last a week, but it's to be 39 tomorrow so they will only last a day. Our linseed has struggled to get to this unimpressive height, got too much heat when it was in it's early stages. Does look great when all the flowers are open, like a blue sea.
I made a few things for my girl's coffee loving teacher to add to her present. A wall hanging and pot holders.
The kids are at their grandparents tonight so I have wrapped, organized and generally sorted all the presents and they are safely under the tree with a week to go...now doing the Christmas cards..in the traditional way!! and just got a call from the kids wanting to come home and it's a 2 hour round trip...think I talked them round. I thought we were past this! We even bought a Nintendo wii for the grandies. Note to Grandies, don't keep the kids up past bedtime or it all goes to.......
Hopefully i have a day to sew tomorrow before picking them up...hopefully!!
Have a great day, Tracey
I always love when you post the picture of the sea of blue.
It sounds like you are getting lots done without the kiddos around. Enjoy the free time.
I never am tired of seeing the children running and dancing among the flowers, fields, sky! Lovely. 8-)))
Great photos! Now what day are you calling in to buy, wrap and organise the presents then decorate the house for me!!! How super organised are you???
Happy family shots that's worth a million dollars .Tracy a few words from Desiderata just for you. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Merry Christmas
I love the pics from this post (including the quilt pics, lol), they look so peaceful, the pic of the sea of blue looks like heaven, lucky you live there, it's precious!, we're in summer as well, the days are hotter than ever!
It dawned on me reading you blog that I had no idea what color flower a linseed plant would have! I feel like such a city person....
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
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