Oh boy! How did it get to 12.20 am Christmas morning already!! I have to get to bed! Lunch with one side of the family, tea with the other for Christmas, a busy day! Kids were in the Church Nativity tonight, DD was a narrator and did a great job, her brother was very good as chief wise man...obviously not method acting!!
I am looking forward to opening my SSCS and i actually think DH may surprise me as well...who says they don't change!!
I finished a santa sack for niece Daisy in the last week, probably getting filled as we speak...got Magnum kitten to model for you!
I also had to make smaller versions for all the pets!!
Thought you may like to see them....

The first 2 canola paddocks are done, the hot fortnight has affected them, 0.75
tonne to acre in one and 1 tonne to acre in other. Not fabulous but fine~we're definitely not cancelling Christmas! rained today so DH actually had a sleep on the couch, a beautiful early Christmas present!
Wishing everyone a fabulous Christmas, wherever you are around the world...we are hopefully changing our internet in the next few days..in the hope of reducing our costs from in the hundreds every month to more like $50..and with a lot more downloads~ I may get around to everyone!! Stay safe, Tracey
Happy Christmas Tracey! We had the rain here yesterday too, lovely after having 43 degrees on Wednesday. Hope you have a great day, and that you can get lots done in the new year, Mereth
Lunch is over and I'm bordering on overfull. Hope your day is a happy and safe one.
Merry Christmas :o)
Merry Christmas Tracey. Hope today is a good one for you. A very loooong lunch is over and it's left overs for tea. A perfect Christmas in my book.
Merry Christmas Tracey!!!, love the sack you made, it's so big, lol, and adore the smaller version bags for your pets, did you buy the bags with that cute fabric or you made by yourself?, their desing is so so cute!, we don't get that here. We're having weird days, with rain, it's supposed we're in summer, the days are getting hotter than ever!, not usual this time of the year!
Hope you've had a lovely day Tracey - the Santa Sacks look great.
The santa sacks are gorgeous. My little one was so upset the cat didn't have a stocking she fished her waterproof nappy storage bag out and hung it on the mantle.
Hope you had a fabulous Christmas.
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