Saturday, August 30, 2008
Of gardens and quilts
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
11:12 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Springing into action
The calendar tells me we are about to arrive in Spring. I didn't need the heads up from the calendar, I think the coming of Spring seeps through you, like an unbottleable new vitamin tablet? Why else do we suddenly dream of digging flower beds, planting roses and pulling out weeds. (though on a completely different note, last night I dreamt I felt a baby kicking, then distinctly remember feeling a whole leg!! Let's hope that wasn't from some mystery new vitamin!!)
Here is it with the mountain view.
I spring cleaned my office today. Don't congratulate me, it was a "have to."I have to give a talk tonight and another in the morning on 'encouraging a love of learning through play' (NOT playstation play!!!) and, of course, i reached for the trusty notes and folder this morning...and nothing!! What a crisis. I saw myself having to rewrite the whole thing, so i searched through every bit of paper I owned, throwing out a lot on the way-still nothing. After 2 hours I decided to check the filing cabinet again, though I had checked it 4 times because I knew i had put it there...and what do I find, the file had slipped down under all the others, there all along! I think it was a sign that I needed to do the rest of the office!
Remember my little pet lambs, here they are, showing you how quickly the season has passed. They are meant to be eating this long grass on the edge of the canola paddock. We can't cut it because of house drains underneath. They were good for about a week, then slowly started creeping onto the canola. At around $700 per tonne of canola seed these babies could end up very expensive pets!!
I have finally given into the apron thing. it was stop wearing a lot of black clothes or make an apron. At my quilt retreat i only had black this apron was born. I love it, the pocket holds all those things I usually put down and can't find again. i used the cotton tape that comes around quilty goods for the neck and elastic for the back, I don't even have to stop and tie...and it wont care how big I am! I used that basic idea of one big square of fabric, just with a contrast added at the top and pocket.
Have been working on this that i started this at retreat as well, the whole quilt photo wont upload, but it is a farm cuddle blanket for my nephew. I love the little machinery blocks.
Off to practise my talk, have a great day, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
1:34 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
New olympic sport...enter here!!
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
9:41 PM
Labels: quilting
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Do you have exciting temptations?
I went to neighborhood Bible Study today, it was on David and Bathsheba and talked about temptations, and how they catch up on you, the more you see something the more you want it. They may have been expecting a more exciting confession than mine, which was,
"Yeah, I know what you mean, when i started surfing the net to look at Heather Bailey's new fabric last night I was blase, but by the time I had checked it all out on all possible websites 2 hours later, it was coming home to me!!!"
Hmmm, this either means I need to get a life, OR I should tell my husband that fabric is saving our marriage!
Here is a link to Heather's blog if you want a peek. If you haven't seen the new range, definitely grows on you. I don't know about a whole quilt, but I see Summery bags at least.
I shouldn't send you to Heather's blog, it is so perfect and sweet you probably wont come back!!! I don't visit often, it makes me feel a little underachievish-you know, like visiting the absolutely perfect housewife we all know that you can never catch with her house less than perfect...but she catches you on the day you decide to clean out every kitchen cupboard at once while drying the washing in your kitchen and getting absorbed on the 'net/called out to the paddock/just quickly finishing a quilt for a quilt swap- so you haven't wiped your bench. Please tell me I am not the only one that happens to!!
Another little temptation caught my eye this week. It is the new Robert Gordon pottery range, aptly titled, "Stitches teaset". This is just the sugarbowl to whet your appetite!
Off to cook tea, tomorrow I show up to my second gym circuit session followed by Pilates-I need to start mentally preparing myself now-(and those Olympians think they have it tough!!)
Big life question though, if I did 2 hours exercise last Wednesday, why can't I be thin already!! i'll leave you to ponder that.....
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
5:51 PM
Labels: general
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Quilt retreat, Part 2.
I have spent 3 wet and muddy days weaning calves in the yards this week, discovered I do have some muscles in the back of my legs! That mud was very deep by the finish!
I can't do a Pioneer woman and show you a heap of photos of this as I am the cowboy...and I am far too busy pushing bulls and big cow's bottoms out of my face before they decide that kicking me is a good idea, to take any photos! And I also struggle enough to always be in the correct spot and DH wouldn't understand that letting a few calves through was fine in the interests of a good pic for the blog!!So we will have to stick with more photos from retreat-and a few from the Saturday Quilt group I visited for a few minutes yesterday before catching up with friends to see Mamma Mia. I really enjoyed Mamma Mia-though Pierce should stick to Bond rather than a possible musical career! My girl really loved it-have heard nothing but Abba in the lead up or since! Small aside, I thought I should chat to her about the "3 possible father storyline" before we left. I bought it up and was promptly put back in my place, she looked at me and said, "Mum, I've known all about that for weeks-but I am not going to DO it!!"
Retreat pics....
Helen's Roman Holiday.
An interesting effect with Chris' Kaffe fassett.
And her other one.
Anne finished this cushion and at Saturday Quilter's yesterday she was working on this one.
One of the Saturday ladies was working on Sunbonnet Sue for her Great niece. The needle turn applique was perfect. She is now hand quilting it.
The Chocolate cat was at the Saturday group, she received this lovely bag in the mail this week.
It's another possible idea for Linda's bag swap.
This is going to be my new pot holder, it is some of the edges I trimmed off my bed quilt, all sewn together-you know I hate waste! I kind of like the effect they give and it's nice and thick.
Off to clean my office benches...oh what unbridled joy!
Have a great day, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
5:03 PM
Labels: group quilts, quilting retreat
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Happy Birthday to Chookyblue Donna!!-and "Summer" revealed.

Have a great day, blogger is taking hours to upload tonight so the rest of the quilt weekend will wait, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
10:08 PM
Labels: four seasons quilt swap
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Quilt retreat report. Part 1
I am back, and just organized...and rested...enough to post some photos from the weekend.
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
9:55 AM
Labels: quilting retreat
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Quilt retreat
I just tried to do a Wikipedia search for the 7th August, in the hope that something exciting happened on it (other than me being born!)...but it seems everything notable happened either side, including Hiroshima, John McCarthy being freed, etc, etc. so I have to stick to the big news that starts with the fact that August 7 is the 219th day of the year (220th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 146 days remaining until the end of the year.
But the clincher, for those of us who are freezing down here... is that the 7th August in
The Northern Hemisphere is considered to be halfway through its summer and the Southern Hemisphere half way through its winter on this day.
Oh also, these are about the only people I know who share my there a chance Charlize and I are identical twins I wonder (Ha Ha!)-just a small matter of 6 years difference-and some small facial feature discrepancies that may make it easy for our mother to tell us apart!!
1960 - David Duchovny, American actor
1975 - Charlize Theron, South African actress
It is 11:37 pm and I think I have successfully filled the kitchen floor with enough projects to take on my retreat so I am off to bed. Thanks for all the different quilt weight info. I think I will still give a varied one a try on the weekend but i will keep the other ideas in mind. Sounds like i am not alone!
I drank far too many coffees with friends on my birthday, and ate far too much cake-so a great day! Hi to Suse, sorry I missed your call!!
See you by Monday with lots of show and tell, have a good weekend, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
11:24 PM
Labels: birthdays, quilting retreat
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
A quilt with two different thicknesses.
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
9:04 PM
Labels: quilting
Monday, August 04, 2008
Favourite week of my year
My internet has been out, my camera batteries have been dodgy and so a little blogging break has occurred.
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
6:33 PM
Labels: birthdays, finished quilt, four seasons quilt swap