Recycled batteries.
I am still here, apologies for the break. I had to work on Monday, teaching DD's class which was fun. Have also given two talks promoting literacy, taken the kids to the dentist in another town, continued weeding and sewn for a few hours. The weather here is more late Spring than late winter, makes you want to be outside, right out of the box.
Today is Meals on Wheels. It is Church's turn to pick up meals from the hospital at lunchtime and deliver them around to the elderly who order them in our local town. I would love a lengthy period in the sewing room but it will come when everything else is everything else ever done?
On the day we travelled to the dentist I picked these up.
If you are thinking they don't fit in with my beautiful, spoilt chooks you would be correst.
They are end of year layers from an egg farm. I want to inject a little more egg laying ability into my girls so effectively purchased these from the end of season bargain bin!!
The kids were with me and quite excited to see another chook farm. I half prepared them for the reality but nothing could really have fully prepared them for 150,000 birds in little cages , who poked their heads out when they heard a real entreaty! I was only going to get 8, the kids wanted to recue 20! We settled for 12. They came home and just sat on the ground of their new shed and were still there in the same position the next morning, but with eggs laid around them!
We have never eaten battery hen eggs, number one they have pale yolks that aren't a beautiful rich orange like our free ranges but mainly number two, because we can't bear the chook's lifestyle, so I'm not sure what will happen to these first few eggs.
We are giving them the royal treatment, the weeds from the garden, the house scraps, but they just don't understand, and are mainly just standing in the corner, looking dazed about the sunlight. Tomorrow I will introduce a few of my chooks in to teach them what to do and where to lay.
Found this great apron in the $1 bin at the Op shop when searching for the kids concert costumes. I am presently working out what to turn it into.
Here is a peek at my stitchery swap. I have cut the name off to protect the innocent. Hope to have it made up and in the mail by Monday. Oh, the big red stitches around the outside are the basting to the wadding, that's how I hide my knots and the back of my work when stitching, it also gives you a slightly quilted look that I like.
I have also finally picked my fabrics for the 4 seasons quilt swap. Decidedly un-maverick choices, they are from the Sonnet range. I am thinking of making my parents a quilt in this for Christmas, so it will be good to have a look at how they turn out for this as well. Do you have a favourite Sonnet? Mine is 116, "Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments." .....Though plastic surgery is actually working hard to overcome the efforts of time on rosy lips and cheeks. I wonder what Shakespeare would think of that.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
8:29 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
A very quiet day.
Had to teach Sunday School and cook the extended family Sunday lunch today. (Yummy savoury chops and creamy garlic baked potatoes for those of you who care about the food! It looks after itself beautifully while I am at Church)
DH had to travel about 300 kms to look at a trailer and at the last minute the kids packed up the complete works of Roald Dahl on CD and the portable DVD player and went off with him, so I am family free for at least another 3 and a half hours. The house is screaming for attention, the garden is calling and the sewing room is just playing a haunting, siren like tune. I wonder which I will answer on another perfect, should-be-spring day?
Crazy crumb blocks are well and truly the flavour after Patti's fabulous tutorial. Andrea at Welsh quilter and fiona in England have both posted their progress, I thought I would give you a snippet of mine.
These are all from the shirt scraps that appeared as i made the quilt tops I've been showing you since retreat. I love making them, they only require any precision when you are trimming them to your preferred size at the finish-my kind of blocks! I am thinking a red sashing between them all, they look a little too busy stacked against each other, but i am open to opinions.
I have another lot a size bigger, I can see how Patti has managed to make over 500, they seem to breed!
A few farm pics for you in this beautiful sunshine.
The other side of the "rock feature". Archie trying to access the foxes. I love the old machinery, I wonder if DH would notice some of this come back to my slowly improving garden?
Keeping a close eye on my "accidentally" calving cows at present, I think the bull jumped the electric fence about 9 months ago-men!!!
I haven't been quite happy with this one's mothering, the baby looks hunched up, but I think she is getting the gist.
She should perhaps attend classes with these three, who look like someone to the left has just suggested that there is something wrong with public feeding!
Yeah, that's quite the staredown!
Now, when your kids are this big and still showing up for a feed, then you have something to worry about! (Murray Grey breed)
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
1:34 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
5:47 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
3:30 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Hey, he mustn't be dead.........
Found the new duet of "in the Ghetto" with Elvis and Lisa Marie and couldn't resist posting the link.( Click on the song name.) The video is a bit stop starty on my computer but it's still well worth a look and listen. Scary thing is their similar eyes...and I am not sure I would want my eyes looking quite that similar to Elvis' in his Las Vegas phase!
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
4:55 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007

This is Sue's. Made entirely from stash, it is for her soon to arrive potential step grandchild!!!(Yes, that is a mouthful!) It is mainly hand quilted. Well worth a click to look at more closely.
Christine was finishing a few things for her sister who is struggling a little with arthritis. Chris didn't think she would have any problem with sharing this beautiful quilt with you. It has been long arm quilted at a town about an hour from here.
Christine also had another finish to share........
I love the simple pattern and colours here. It is beautiful in real life.
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
8:37 AM
Labels: quilting retreat
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
7:58 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A range of quilts ...or "shaggy" is the new black!
Hi, after tenaciously holding off the full chest cold, sore throat and general miserableness over my sewing weekend, I have finally given up today and cancelled the day's engagements.
We are up to a showcase of progress from the retreat, always great to get to see other's work.
Shaggy quilts seem to be the flavour. We have some new quilters and the design especially appealed to them. It is also a great project to complete in a weekend, though the cutting of all the seams seemed to be a big process. I have never made one myself...I suppose it is somewhere on the list but everyone's good work and ideas on the net keeps relocating its list position!
Jane and her shaggy quilt, I think it would be queen sized. Jane's only been quilting in the past year and already managing to be very prolific, while fitting in teaching as well.
A close up of her fabric choices, actually, I probably don't need to do that, I think everyone knows to click on the photos to make them larger? This quilt now needs to be washed and probably dried in the drier to achieve the shaggy, almost chenille look, in those open seams.
This is Kath's. It is for her grandaughter, another Milly!
Now we have Anne's shaggy. Anne is another very new quilter and I think this is her first quilt finish, after practising on some cushions.
The next is one of Sue's long term project, her colourwash-in progress. She has spent a lot of time sourcing just the right fabrics. I am not sure that one of these would suit my personality!!I would go crazy with this amount of fussiness, but I like them.
Christine's shaggy, which she got together with a minute to spare! Just needs its clipping done.
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
1:35 PM
Labels: quilting retreat
And the winner is........Dawn, at Quilts and Pieces.
Dawn was a commenter during birthday week. She now gets to scroll back a few posts and choose which address book she would prefer. I laughed when Dawn's name came out the hat (well, container!)-hers was the blog I stumbled upon one day that got me intrigued and therefore blogging.
Blogger refuses to upload any photos for me today so the prepeared retreat blog is saved and waiting for its photos. I am full of the chesty cold and sore throat so I am crawling back to bed, I had thought I might escape it as I only had a husky voice at retreat...but no such luck! Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
9:46 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
1:31 PM

Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
8:46 AM