Friday, December 31, 2010
'Tis hot, darn hot!!!

Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
4:07 PM
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
And out with the camera....
I love the Spring.....soon I even hope it may change to summer (38 degrees expected here for New year/s a shock after highs of very low 20's all month!)
We have had some crazy phenomenons(to do with the crazy weather, I think) including these spider webs that appeared all around the local lake, very eerie!
More kittens as well!!! we will have to do something about the promiscuity of Magnum, she is lowering the farm's tone!This is one of her latest babies preparing to wine and dine a chicken!
Archie is asking people to join him in calling for the sterilisation of one whose children are disturbing his previously peaceful life!
And, why did the echidna cross the road?? So I could take his photo of course!! How cute is this fellow!
Last but not least, a gift idea for you... A good friend has kids my age and is spending ages every night at sports. The worst is the swmming training, the main seats are concrete bleachers, she was telling me this the other week so i made her a discreet quilted cushion/bag. Noone really wants to cart a cushion everywhere, but this is magazine carrying size, then if she just takes her stuff out it's comfy cushion. I lined it with chenille and it's fully reversible so if she doesn't want to sit on the outer she can just turn it inside out. She loved them and wants me to make more. The basic bag is my quited tutorial one in the sidebar links. I gave it a side handle here, up to you on the handles.
Have a great day, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
12:01 AM
Monday, December 27, 2010
Not dead!
There has also been some sewing, this was made for my friend's daughter's wedding. It was all gift cards and money suggestions, and i am afraid that didn't excite me. i knew from watching her mother make the wedding cake that the whole theme was peaches and cream, so i managed to find some peaches and cream in my stash and make her this.

These have been this week's projects...delivered Christmas Eve by the skin of their teeth! They are quilted santa sacks..and santa could almost fit in them, ok, well, a small child could use them as a sleeping bag. They were a paid job that has covered nearly a year's worth of hancock's purchases in one lot of sewing! They're also fun, i love the idea that these little children will drag them out every year, fo maybe the next 70 years, to celebrate Christmas.
Hope you all had a very Merry christmas with family and friends, hope you aren't all freezing in the Northern winter, that looks major!! It's not freezing here, you just need to be able to swim..over roads!
I'll leave you with some of my newest babies, and promise to be back again much sooner...cheers, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
5:38 PM