Oh, is there anything more dreadful than a Dh with the flu?
Because he is so far in the good books I will just leave it right there!! And keep getting the panadol!
I had a lovely time reading through the Tracey Kasem Top 40 ( or 30!) Amazingly a good few songs I didn't know, and i thought I was a music trivia-ist!
The random winner is Lady Hopwood's blog, http://primrosegirl.blogspot.com/
I hadn't heard this Dr. Hook song and enjoyed the youtube version very much. If you would like to contact me, Lady Hopwood, I will share the birthday joy!
Continuing the birthday joy theme, my kids bought me the Pandora bracelet and my family started off the charm collection.-all courtesy of an organizing sister!
There's a heart, an elephant, the zirconia one, the sand coloured to represent the beach my sister and I are both happiest upon, the rose from my sister that she thinks looks like my patchwork on, The Church and the chook make up my collection so far. I am being very well behaved and not wearing this or the ring when doing my farm work!
Our quilt group has birthday buddies for the year. Christine was my buddy this year and I was very lucky to score this beautiful table runner that I have shown previously. I love her first try at machine piecing, and I love IT very much! Thank you, Chris.

This is the back.
The lovely Chookyblue sent me these gorgeous cow salt and peppers, hope you regular readers remembered it was Donna's birthday Saturday!!
And I will leave you on a floral note, I have been asked to provide australiana cards for a big event coming up here,
Have a great day, Tracey
What great presents. I love the charm bracelet
Love and hugs Gina xxx
You do realise Tracey he has MAN FLU - lol ! Us mere women apparently don't get this. Lovely pressies. I love the bracelet especially xx
I love the cute charm bracelet.
A quilting buddy? That's a great idea. The table runner is lovely. She did a fabulous job for a beginner at that technique.
The Flu? Oh yuck! The charming charm bracelet is such fun, a great idea for you. You sure do have a nice group of quilter friends, too.
Darling bracelet!
Don't ya wish you could get the flu like a man and just be sick not have to worry about the million mom/wife things we still have to do even with the flu LOL!
Wonderful gifts, love the bracelet of charms--what a fun birthday you had.
I love the Kangaroo paws--I have some in my frontyard and the flower stalks get about 3 1/2 feet high so I can even see them from my dining room, 30 feet away.
How lucky are you. Some lovely prezzies. Hope Dh gets better soon. Its not nice at all.
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