The new season is well and truly kicking in on the farm.
Shearing is just around the corner again so Dh has to clean up all the sheep's bottoms prior to the shearers coming in-can't have the daggy bits contaminating the wool or slowing the shearers down. He hates sheepwork with a passion, really prefers a tractor but unfortunately there are still a few paddocks with too much stone to crop so they have to have sheep on them. Don't worry sweetheart there are only about 2500 to go...hee, hee, hee
This is not the time to stress him out at all-more the time for going to the fridge for him and helping him remove his boots-thank goodness that doesn't last long!

The crops got a good drink on the weekend and are now enjoying the sunshine, some of our Canola is running up to flower, the sowing was staggered to limit frost risk so this paddock is still to start the flowering process.
The kids and I have been enjoying the weather for bikerides, this is another of the old treasures on the new farm. The old owner says they are going, I said I really don't mind if they stay-it seems a waste for the machines to be scrap.
I think I told you i had been busy fence building-here is part of the results. want to hire me, i did all the nailing myself!
Here are some more shots of the girls, (Queenie and Snowy) Some days I have been getting almost 30 eggs! That will cool off a bit soon as they are all wanting to sit-there will be chicks walking out from every nook and cranny in coming weeks! Cool, I love that!!
I also love the way chooks walk out....
The light is just coming the right way for some good succulent shots, but still not quite what I want.
So that's a farm update for the present. Both kids at home today,-but improving, perhaps they will go to School soon and I can sew!!!
Have a great day, Tracey
And over here we are getting geared up for winter. The leaves are turning though and we have a beautiful autumn season first. I don't blame your husband for not enjoying that bit of sheep work!
We're getting ready to plant wheat. Wanna come help? The fertilizer bill is awful!
clean up the sheeps bottoms.........good way to write pics again.........
Sounds like a busy time on that farm at the moment. I do hope that your daughter fells better. School Hol are just around the corner...Love your fence work...those chooks are just oh sooo cute..I love animals but DH and our small town block dont allow for anymore animals...
Have a great Day
Oh I saw canola coming up as I was driving to Geelong the other day, it's such a happy sight. Love that pic of the sheet with the head popping up like that. Sounds like it's the calm before the storm when the shearing kicks in.
Well I'm glad you told me it was a sheep - I was expecting of photo of your DH !
Terrific post. Love the photos and love learning about other ways of life.
Hi Tracey!
I so enjoy the pictures of your farm. 30 eggs a day is quite a lot, but I've forgotten whether you sell them or what. You don't eat that many do you?
Those chickens must enjoy their life with you if they produce so well.
Don't even want to think about sheeps bottoms thank you!!
What kind of chooks are those?
As a heat lover myself, I wish we were just entering spring.
I hope that you post photos of the new chicks. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for chickens.
Hope you get the free time for some sewing.
Your fence is very nicely done!!
You know I called someone a dag here the other day - affectionately of course - and then when called on to explain the origins of the word, got myself into great trouble. lol
Queenie and Snowy are two very pretty 'girls'!!!
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