I have been in a finishing mood this week..finishing a few of my own projects, not just b/fire ones!
The Secret Santa Christmas parcel is safely mailed away, to be shown to you after Christmas. I have also delivered a few bag orders and last night I had a site at the local German festival and sold over 150 cards, plus baby blankets and bags. Best result ever!
The finishes I have taken a photo of already are the 70's clothes scraps string quilt for my best friend's Mum. Yes, i know you all saw it ages ago, my BFF is in Kuala Lumpur and about to shift home, so that was the motivation to declutter that UFO.
As you may know...from a lot of photos of quilts on animals...I love Jim Shore. I bought this panel a year or two ago and now it is a finished UFO as well, why is it so hard to get a binding attached, because it is so nice to see these things finished!!
Note to self, weaned calves are NOT the best models for quilts!
#1. They don't want to come to the yard
#2. They don't like 2 dogs barking at them
#3. They see no motivation to get their head from the bucket and
#4. They REALLY don't see the funny side of blankets thrown over their back!
I should show you the "deleted scenes!"
So this is the best we can do today...
I have to run today, my Dh is showing up at 6 pm instead of 11pm as it has rained here and you can't bale in the rain so, much to my emancipated sister's disgust I am sure, I am off to get out of the tracky's into something respectable and put some make-up on for drinks...a girls goota make an effort!
Have agreat day!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
We have sewing!
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
5:59 PM
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Lots and lots of photos...and a new kitten!
Back again, and after those nice words of encouragement I promise I will never again consider deleting the blog! If you are happy for me to call in when i can then that's fine with me!
Arlette was the lucky commenter drawn out by the slaves, Arlette will get her prize in time for Chrsitmas ...like a few other belated ones!! Drop me a line Arlette!
I have actually had some sewing time...and can i share? No, not until after my Secret santa Christmas swap person opens her parcel on Christmas morning. How different her Chrsitmas will be from mine, parallel opposite probably! It has been so terribly hot here for November, after being so wet! It went from Winter and straight to Summer, my garden was lovely for a week! DH has been working 18 hours a day cutting, baling and raking hay...what joy!
So with no sewing i can show, i thought i would take some pics at the little country show we went to today.
This wedding ring quilt is on my list, think I will need to break a leg to get to everything on my list! It was hand quilted and needless to say, made a first place.
Another first for this, great use of photos!
I'm a sucker for a pinwheel and a kaleidoscope, loved this...received a second.
Thought the cross stitchers would be impressed with this height chart. I was! Could only snap this through the wire.
Snapped a few animals while I was there, I have picked up another shop that wants my cards, a pet shop! So i thought I had better have a few ones particularly for there to join the animal ones I have already.
Like my horse?
I loved this pig...
And this pig..
and more of this pig...
and I also have a new peregrine falcon shot. I have adored peregrine falcons since I first read Catherine Gaskin's Falcon for a Queen when I was a teenager, anyone else read that, it is fabulous! I even forgive them for the occasional chicken I see them fly away with!
This was the favourite animal of the day. After 6 months of grieving over poor drowned Tom, my girl has had another try...this is Magnum PIC, (pretty impressive cat or something like that!)... and yes, there's very few 80's TV shows she doesn't like!
I will leave you with a job...seeing I am packaging up and posting cards and SSCS gifts, I may as well add some more. I think these two last photos lend themselves to some kind of saying/verse and they may well end up as cards..or not! Give me a something suitable in the comments to go in the draw for some cards,
have a great day, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
9:26 PM
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
New cards,a prize and harvest already!
Back again, but feeling mighty guilty about this blogging business, there just doesn't seem enough hours in the day anymore! I am thinking, if I am struggling to get round all the other blogs, is it manners to delete mine? But I love the blogworld, -the support, encouragement and connestion -when time allows me...surely things will settle.....What do you think? Leave a comment on this, the cards or anything today...and as a thanks for "hopefully" re-enthusing me you, will go in a little giveaway draw. Gina and lady hopwood know that because I have grand plans, my giveaways don't always get mailed the next day...but I am guaranteeing Christmas delivery for everyone! LOL! i especially feel I owe those 60 or 70 people who statcounter says check in on me everyday!! Thanks..and take the time to comment, or email and you will go in the draw! Just put blog in the email title so I open you!
Weather here is unseasonably hot, looks like it may be 10 days of over 30 degrees and it is still Spring! This means DH is working around the clock, last night he fell into bed after a 39 hour "day'...if that makes sense! Valiantly trying to beat the weather to the hay.
So I am playing the supportive wife and getting back into the harvest swing of being available 24/7 for any job, preferably with food always on the ready!
The card range has grown to 150! These are the new ones added today to the blog site, so feel free to go over and have a look. I did a market on the weekend and sold almost 100, so am busy replenishing! Off to clean enough to "legally and morally" get in some sewing time, just feel like having a sleep on the couch really! Bring on February and the end of harvest...boy, that seems a long long way away! Cheers, Tracey
Posted by
Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum
1:21 PM
Labels: cards