Saturday, March 31, 2012

Twice in one day!!...Washing quilts....

Two posts in a day...scary!
As it was looking like the last of the hot weather I washed all the main quilts yesterday, hot north winds, 30 degrees, did a great job. But it took me about 90 minutes and more exercise and mess than i cared for, with washing each in the bath, then carting it to laundry for a quick spin, then back to bath for all of them to rinse. How do you wash your quilts? Am I being too particular? I am afraid I just couldn't bear to see it come out of my machine after a 45 minute mystery trip and there have been some disaster.
Made a couple of 100 Anzacs today to fill the tins and finished off another clamshell project in between oven loads. I started these on the way home from Nundle in the car,have now had enough of them and the colours for a little while, so decided to make my 3 rows something. It is a little chocolate holder at this point.... I just came back from visiting the old people's home and have enjoyed sitting out in the sun with my Nundle cup and clamshells full of chocolate and thinking about all the fun we were having last Saturday! I also noticed that the happy ones at the old people's homes were the ones who were still sitting their crafting...i vote for that retirement thanks! I still vote for an international quilt bloggers retirement home. Now, that would be fun!

Clamshells finished.

Okay,here it is being held up by my little cricket buddy that I've been up watching Aust. v WI with since 5 am! When i say finished, it is finished how I wanted it. It isn't quite the round keepbox it should have theoretically been. I went for a wall hanging, and embroidered one of my favourite verses, "Look to the hills", to remind me of my road trip to Nundle. We thought they looked a bit like hills here, though when i was working on it, both kids wandered in at different times and commented on my "fish"... apparently sideways the clam shells are very scale like. It even, (don't fall over!!)..has some hand quilting on it. The things you do when the football's back on!
And here is me and the usually mystery man, with the new baby. Should probably call it the new holiday house, but when would we get a chance to go to a holiday house!!
Hope your day is great, we are officially on school holidays here, 2 weeks of no bus...yeah!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

More Girls day in the Country ...

Such great car buddies, granny Loz, and Lise, the chocolate cat. See Where little me is squashed got worse!
This is a bearded dragon eating some kind of sack full of bugs...we don't see that at home!

The tree full of the little bug sacks.
We did eventually get to Nundle, here is a lot of Friday afternoon's show and tell..And here is a lot of Sue daly's from the Friday night trunk show. beautiful work, and she still makes them all herself.

We went out for tea on Friday night to Mt. Mysery cafe, Dale and peg were there in spirit, (or in chook form. ) They were the only ones who could fit through the bars to see what the mine shaft was like, there was much anxiety lest they fall!

Lise on the way Grong grong!
And all these last ones are the sun coming up, somewhere about an hour after Narrandera!

The last place I got the camera out was Deniliquin, they had had 185 singles there for the weekend on a meet and greet weekend, I thought that considering singles weekend, this sign was hilarious! I am afraid to show DH in case he decided that's where I actually was!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Girls day in the country...half way home.

Cuddled up in a motel in Narrandera, watching Homeland with Lise, and granny Loz, have done over 2300 kms since we left home Wednesday morning. Visited Donna, Chookyblue, at her home, for a big afternoon and night of sewing, and caught up with LOTS of bloggers at Nundle, and boy were they fun! Rarely seen women laugh until they cry before ,Cardygirl.
Sue Daly's paper piecing workshop on Saturday went very well..and very quickly. Saw some lovely quilts, will post them in next few days.
Very motivated now to seek out some more minutes in my week for sewing...and blogging. Realise how much I miss it.
Blogger doesn't want me to move my pics around tonight so they are how they are...

Donna visiting the girls on our table.

Starting our clam shell project.

Granny Loz and Lise getting set up.
Morning view of Nundle.
Does cardy attract mayhem?

All sewing our pincushions at Donna's.
The water coming up to the road from all the flooding, will have to go home the next 100 kms on the detour due to towns being completely cut off.
Have had a great time, but 700 kms to go until i see my babies again!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1053.6 kms later....

Okay, sitting at Lise's (Chocolate cat) auntie's in Wellington, NSW. Full of chicken...and cheese platter...and a few scotches as well, I left home at 5 am to meet the girls, we got here at about 7.45 pm. Big day, but lots of fun. I sewed some blocks, finished my name tag and tied my quilt, so quite a productive day. Off to work on my pincushion...not going to let it beat me!
See you bright and early Chooky Donna!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

13 1/2 hours to go!

Right then, if I don't sleep i may get everything done...but I'd better get a good rest as I probably have to share the driving, so I'll be taking a few projects with and DH may have a few less things in the freezer.
I have this ready...finally...and I intend quilting/tying in the car, it's also to keep me warm if needed...or sit on!
It is made from all my chook/red barn fabrics and I love it...nothing was pre-measured, or planned, it pretty much just sewed itself...i love those! I look forward to it soon being off my UFO list. Must get off, food and photos and sewing do not prepare themselves!

Monday, March 19, 2012

11 pm update...and some help please!

Okay, another article and photos done, a name badge made...just needs some stitches, a few other little jobs sorted and ready to stitch in the car, onto the paper pieced pincushion. Anyone who is making it, do we baste 6 of one colour and 6 of another (contrast) to get the thing to look like the pic? It must be getting late but I can't see that on the instructions, just that there are 12 blocks and we make them in 2 colours. There are no spare papers if I stuff up!
took this photo today when the boys were burning off. They atre burnign my usual lambing paddock that is full of tussocks and all uneven, it was the last paddock like that and DH has decided it is time for it to be improved, so by June it will be all beautiful with a magnificent crop on it...we hope...and pray! Can't have a third dodgy season.

10.23 update

Oh, this is a good plan...have to justify my time to cyberspace! Almost as bad as justifying it to husband!
Photos all sorted for paper and another job, showered, dressed, looked at my paper piecing project for GDITC and realised I need fabric glue...added that to my increasingly long shopping list for hopefully 11 am! Photos are to prove I do still sew, made the chenille and bright quilt for a baby, and the little washers were for a market, I love them. They are now doing to be all I wash/do dishes with! Can you see their hanging tags? There is a lot of resourced stuff there, Moda tape, Aldi tape!
Off to get more done, this is my baby and me form the weekend...14 now!

Two days until Girls Day in the Country...I need 2 weeks!!

Oh dear!! This little frizzle chook is how I feel this morning...frizzled and flustered! How did 6 weeks go past since last post, my life is mental!! And now I have 2 days until I leave for Girls day in the Country, that's the 2 i was going to sew all the projects...and I have a photo shoot to edit for the paper, and school's rung, need the mum "who doesn't work??!!" to accompany the kids to a Collingwood football clinic tomorrow...Collingwood!! I can see a lot of sewing in the car!
I am going with Lise at Chocolate cat and Granny Loz, I'll find her blog in a minute! To (try)keep myself on track today, i am going to try and give a few progress posts!