Saturday, March 31, 2012

Twice in one day!!...Washing quilts....

Two posts in a day...scary!
As it was looking like the last of the hot weather I washed all the main quilts yesterday, hot north winds, 30 degrees, did a great job. But it took me about 90 minutes and more exercise and mess than i cared for, with washing each in the bath, then carting it to laundry for a quick spin, then back to bath for all of them to rinse. How do you wash your quilts? Am I being too particular? I am afraid I just couldn't bear to see it come out of my machine after a 45 minute mystery trip and there have been some disaster.
Made a couple of 100 Anzacs today to fill the tins and finished off another clamshell project in between oven loads. I started these on the way home from Nundle in the car,have now had enough of them and the colours for a little while, so decided to make my 3 rows something. It is a little chocolate holder at this point.... I just came back from visiting the old people's home and have enjoyed sitting out in the sun with my Nundle cup and clamshells full of chocolate and thinking about all the fun we were having last Saturday! I also noticed that the happy ones at the old people's homes were the ones who were still sitting their crafting...i vote for that retirement thanks! I still vote for an international quilt bloggers retirement home. Now, that would be fun!


  1. I'm with you on the retirement home idea....!!

  2. Love what you did with the clamshells! So you are not hooked in EPP???? lol

  3. oh I must be careless as I have never hand washed one............normal wash in the machine.........get them out as soon as it is finished.......

  4. Not sure I should admit it but all my quilts get washing in the machine, would get more exercise your way tho!!! Sounds like a lovely afternoon, coffee and chocolates in the sun!!! Hard to believe Nundle was a week ago!

  5. Go Tracey you put me to shame. I have done no more clamshells and only did two rows.

  6. Clam shells, Fish, it's like looking at clouds everyone sees something different, I see clam shells and very nice ones at that.


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