Tuesday, March 20, 2012

13 1/2 hours to go!

Right then, if I don't sleep i may get everything done...but I'd better get a good rest as I probably have to share the driving, so I'll be taking a few projects with and DH may have a few less things in the freezer.
I have this ready...finally...and I intend quilting/tying in the car, it's also to keep me warm if needed...or sit on!
It is made from all my chook/red barn fabrics and I love it...nothing was pre-measured, or planned, it pretty much just sewed itself...i love those! I look forward to it soon being off my UFO list. Must get off, food and photos and sewing do not prepare themselves!


  1. well this should be finished by the time you get to my place........

  2. Tracey this quilt just looked amazing in real life. Love all the egg & fence borders :)


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