Monday, March 19, 2012

11 pm update...and some help please!

Okay, another article and photos done, a name badge made...just needs some stitches, a few other little jobs sorted and ready to stitch in the car, onto the paper pieced pincushion. Anyone who is making it, do we baste 6 of one colour and 6 of another (contrast) to get the thing to look like the pic? It must be getting late but I can't see that on the instructions, just that there are 12 blocks and we make them in 2 colours. There are no spare papers if I stuff up!
took this photo today when the boys were burning off. They atre burnign my usual lambing paddock that is full of tussocks and all uneven, it was the last paddock like that and DH has decided it is time for it to be improved, so by June it will be all beautiful with a magnificent crop on it...we hope...and pray! Can't have a third dodgy season.


  1. I put a comment on the other blog but it sounds like you are on the right track. If there are 12 pieces and the picture shows two colours then it seems that you are doing the right thing. We all have different pincushions so I am not sure which one you have. I'm sure that if you do what you think then it will be fine. See you there...

  2. we'll work it out on Thursday...........I don't know which one you me a pic.........


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