Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1053.6 kms later....

Okay, sitting at Lise's (Chocolate cat) auntie's in Wellington, NSW. Full of chicken...and cheese platter...and a few scotches as well, I left home at 5 am to meet the girls, we got here at about 7.45 pm. Big day, but lots of fun. I sewed some blocks, finished my name tag and tied my quilt, so quite a productive day. Off to work on my pincushion...not going to let it beat me!
See you bright and early Chooky Donna!


  1. Wow that was a long drive looking forward to meeting u at Nundle

  2. oh will be here in a few hours.......only a short drive today compared to yesterday.......

  3. You were so close to me too :)


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