Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas!! Again..

Merry Christmas!!

Some of you Northerners may only be just getting going, but for me it is already Boxing Day. I have performed in a Church drama, driven a round trip of over 200 kms to my family for lunch and hosted DH's extended family here for tea...looking forward to a restful day of Australia in the Boxing Day cricket tomorrow while eating left over prawns and desserts! bliss.

Can't go to bed without showing you the lovely gift i received in Chookyblue's SSCS this year, it is from Andrea, Welsh quilter.

Beautiful work, Andrea, and perfectly chosen, Thank you!! Can't show you mine as it may not be opened yet...soon!

Some other shots....My girl made two Gingerbread houses, from scratch!
The poopin reindeer helped demolish this one!

A true "family" shot of my brother with nieces and nephews...some stubborn, some uncooperative, some happy, some sad. it takes all kinds to make a family, but all equally as important. Hope your day was great, back soonest! Tracey


  1. My, the blogging family are growing up, seems only yesterday that the chikdren were children now lovely yung adults, gingervread house and all. Stunning photos and Christmas Day was a good one this year.

  2. Lovely to heat that you had such a lovely Christmas. Enjoy Boxing Day - after all that travelling you deserve some time off.

  3. Great family photo.....sounds like you had a great Christmas Day..i am enjoying a lazy day watching the cricket....Love Boxing Day!

  4. oh glad Christmas was great for you......we did quite a few km's getting around the families too.......had a good sleep this arvo so feeling much better then before.......won't be up late tonight gift from Andrea.......just beautiful.......thanks for being part of the SSCS once again.........

  5. Tracey, how lovely to find your blog, gorgeous photographs and quilts how can i resist saying hello. Hope you enjoyed a terrific Christmas and that your New Year is full of delight and many. Blessings from Denise

  6. Glad you survived your busy day!!! Gingerbread house making is banned in my house! Too much mess and no success, maybe a kit is the way to go or get your girl to make them!!! Love that 'family' photo!


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