Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas is a step closer...

My present has arrived for Chookyblue's secret santa swap, it is from Welsh quilter, Andrea, who i have known a few years on here. I have only opened my ornament, as requested, and am waiting for Christmas day for the rest, thanks Andrea, very excited! Here is the ornament.

Onto a few photos for you..

A gymnastic caterpillar on Queen Anne's lace...

My SSCS presents!

A present i made for our Quilter's breakup, it is a card holder with plastic pocket.. shocking pic!

My son came into tell me there was good light and ladybirds piggybacking...

Gotta love an inch long baby praying mantis

And here is my shearing photos in "Downunder" magazine. They have asked for some more.

Some black and white succulents

...and a hatching chicken....lots of those happening around here, 13 today!

I have now photographed almost 25 woolsheds for the book, so staying well out of trouble. My kids broke up school last night, boy is deputy school captain for next year and DD won the service award, so everyone was happy.

have a great day, catch you very soon, Tracey

Leave you with this year's decorated hay bales at our local annual laternenfest.


  1. You are certainly staying out of trouble!!! Your photography is wonderful and I am glad to see it acknowledged.

  2. Nice to hear from you and enjoy some photos.
    How about that caterpillar?

  3. glad your parcel has arrived........love the pics.......I find the kids point things out to take pics off here too..........I am always showing them things and I am sure our kids look at things more then others..........more detail......

  4. Fantastic photos, particularly of the ladybirds making whoopee! Te he. I was up there recently and took photos of the hay bales again this year. They look so great.


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