Friday, December 30, 2011

She sews...and sews some more!

This exciting thing is a sewing machine...with fabric! I am doing my annual pre-New-Year -panic-get-organized-and-throw-stuff-out routine and found this hancock's black and white jelly roll in a safe place. As a reward for the previously mentioned attempts at controlling the objects that invade my home annually I got the machine out yesterday to sew.

The previous day I had picked up a double bed woollen rug at the op shop

(yeah, yeah, I know, I was meant to be throwing stuff out!) for $4! I decided to cut it in half and do a bit of a string sewing arrangement, but with the whole width of the strips to save time and wastage...seeing I wasn't having to work with scraps.

Then I just cut 8 and a half inch blocks from it when i had some strips down...wanted to see how it worked, but ALSO, had decided I really liked the fabrics and had a plan B! I sewed the blocks I had done into a groovy pillow sized cushion for my couch...with some of the wool blanket on the for me!
Then I addressed Plan B, string skirt for me!! I really like it and intend wearing it at my New Year's Eve party. Forgive me for the knees!
It's funny, if DH cleaned out the office, it would not involve sewing, i am completely he often shakes his head over, I like new ways of storing stuff and creative ways of utilizing what i have.

I hate the fact that there are curtains in front of my computer, would prefer something useful like a notice board, well today i converted them to storage!! This is very much a WIP photo, The plastic pockets are sewn on the bottom, but pinned into sections..I am waiting to see how functional it is before i sew the sections. The little ipod pen holder is also only pinned on, though the actual thing is sewn completely. So far I am liking it, so handy for photos and notes and...anything!

Grace i the Us has received and opened her SSCS swap parcel, so I can show you what I sent here, The big wall hanging has plastic pockets (sensing a theme?) for displaying her cards and photos. I put a few cards in there, Then there is a stirchery bag and various miscellaneous items.

At the beach on Wednesday, ready to spend some days down there with the family, loved this little fellow.

And this was my Christmas morning sunrise, Looks almost like a Stairway to heaven i thought. Was my reward for feeding all my animals at 6.30 am!

Hope you are getting in the New year spirit, want to share your plans or preparations? I have 35 + coming for the pool! Cheers, Tracey


  1. The cleaning up looked more like fun than work!!

    Enjoy your time at the shore.

  2. glad your sewing..........lovely gifts for Denice.......gorgeous sunrise........

  3. You have been busy.....I need to get into my sewing room and have a major tidy up/throw out....but I can't get in there at the moment....the door is shut.....and I don't feel like opening it at the moment....maybe once I have taken down all the Christmas things and put them in the boxes that are stacked in there I might feel more like sewing. Day two of heat here and am looking forward to winter! Happy New Year!

  4. Hope you're having a great night! Just quiet here - bliss


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