Monday, December 27, 2010

Not dead!

How does it get to be 10 weeks from my last post? Lots of desktop hard drive died, most of the country got washed away in floods, including lots of our crops, so then they all had to get sown again, (and the water just keeps coming...where was it the last few years when we needed it!) time spent off the computer meant that another 6 kgs disappeared, getting me down to my lowest weight in the last 4 or 5 years, eldest daughter graduated primary school, boy took up proper cricket, with 5 associated hours of watching accompanying swimming program came my way to run as did local photo competition and animal nursery, husband went away up north trying to harvest the almost unharvestable, did what feels like the whole district's photo taking, Sunday school nativity as well...and suddenly today is the day I finally have "nothing " to do!! So, hi!!

There has also been some sewing, this was made for my friend's daughter's wedding. It was all gift cards and money suggestions, and i am afraid that didn't excite me. i knew from watching her mother make the wedding cake that the whole theme was peaches and cream, so i managed to find some peaches and cream in my stash and make her this.

It is about a metre and half square, hanging on the oldest moreton bay fig in Adelaide, where we stayed to go to the wedding. The funny thing is, that about 4 days before, it looked like this...

-just a whole pile of layer cakes


-And 3 and a half days before the wedding it looked like this.

i got it together enough to hand quilt, yes, that's correct, hand quilt the butterfly/love hearts at wednesday night's cricket match...I was not letting 3 hours of enforced stillness go to waste, much to the other mother's amusement! And on the 5 hour trip to Adelaide On the Friday i completely hand stitched the binding and finished the last butterflies.

The bride loved it, especially(of course) because she had a whole house of money and gift cards...all very fine, but all very cold to cuddle up with new husband under!! (That's really a life lesson isn't it, money's all very good, but very cold to sleep with...)

These have been this week's projects...delivered Christmas Eve by the skin of their teeth! They are quilted santa sacks..and santa could almost fit in them, ok, well, a small child could use them as a sleeping bag. They were a paid job that has covered nearly a year's worth of hancock's purchases in one lot of sewing! They're also fun, i love the idea that these little children will drag them out every year, fo maybe the next 70 years, to celebrate Christmas.

Hope you all had a very Merry christmas with family and friends, hope you aren't all freezing in the Northern winter, that looks major!! It's not freezing here, you just need to be able to swim..over roads!

I'll leave you with some of my newest babies, and promise to be back again much sooner...cheers, Tracey


  1. 6kgs sounds great , what a great Christmas present , just in time to put it all back on again, with Christmas eating--- Nah hope you keep it off, sad about the crops and water we won't call it rain, good about the quilting prowess.

  2. we got some harvest done then the rest got flooded and ruined and nothing left to expensive devestating isn't it.........good to see you back online though.........

  3. Oh cute babies.
    Our lovely land gives us harsh lessons does it not!
    I am loving the rain as it is not hurting me, but I am hurting for friends who are losing crops.
    Let us hope 2011 is back to balance...with lots of rain but in the right times.

  4. Coming from a farming family I know the realities of fickle weather. It sounds like it has been a difficult year for you guys.

    Your projects are just lovely - especially the Santa bags. They will be cherished for years.

    Good to read a blog from you again.

  5. Good to read your update...though sorry to hear you've had to replant...sounds like you've had some weird weather!

    Lovely picture at the end of your post...too cute!

  6. I thought you must have been busy when there were no blog posts. Hope the crop goes better this time - surely the weather must be sorting itself out by now. Hope your Christmas was a good one.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!