Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hi, our dollar has reached parity with the US one, and Hancock's of Paducah had a free shipping link on facebook last night. Had a look, they have some great stuff on sale which basically means that we can get it here at that price, ie,specials @ $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 etc!! Have to spend $75. If you can't find the link or ad for free shipping, drop me a line for details.

Rain, rain, everywhere is beautiful! well over an inch, SO perfect for all our late sowing, seems that rolling was well worth my efforts, the crop is all coming through already!

Gratitudes today, these gorgeous children, one who has spent all day baking for shearing! Rain....the fact the man I like at the camera place had the good sense to "die" at a school yesterday where a well trained teacher bought him completely back!!... and free shipping!


  1. Its dangerous ground having the Aussie dollor like it is AND free shipping by Hancocks!

  2. Hi Tracey- I can't see the link. Would you be able to forward it to me? Thanks!

  3. oops! I dont really have an active blog so my email address is

  4. another place to look for stuffs in the US is

    you type in what you are after, and voila! it finds it..

    BUT if you are clever and type in 'civil war sale' it will find all the stuffs on sale!


  5. Ooooo! Yes please can you send me the details. I was actually browsing their site this morning.

  6. No problems, the company are being quite discreet about this sale, but emailing me for the link works well, no one's had anny problems with it then, Tracey

  7. Gorgeous picture. Isn't it amazing what a well trained first aid person can do.

    Aussie dollar on a parity with the US dollar is still not great for me, so no online stashing going on here...

  8. I like so much your photos. there are fabulous. Thanks a lot
    Béatrice dijon France


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!