Wednesday, December 29, 2010

And out with the camera....

Just a note to start... WOW! I am amazed how many people have kept popping in while I have been gone! I was thinking that noone would notice if I disappeared, but I managed to reaccess my statcounter account today after the loss of my main computer, and all I can say is "Thank you!!" Also, with the loss of my main computer I have lost all my favourites that I had set up when bloglines was going/gone. I have noone's address unless I crawl and scroll and search and visit, so if you are a friend of mine from lots of years of blogging, a comment or email would save a lot of time and would be great to get you on this computer. Inoticed some addresses I did have on here are gone and that makes me're lost!! I'll see who's still out there! Also, Chookyblue did her annual Christmas swap, she has posted the near 100 ornaments so far and the gift photos are still coming, well worth a look!

I love the Spring.....soon I even hope it may change to summer (38 degrees expected here for New year/s a shock after highs of very low 20's all month!)

Lots of new babies and life in the last few months here

I'm a little proud of this one, it won best farm animal shot at our photography show, against tricky opposition!

We have had some crazy phenomenons(to do with the crazy weather, I think) including these spider webs that appeared all around the local lake, very eerie!

More kittens as well!!! we will have to do something about the promiscuity of Magnum, she is lowering the farm's tone!This is one of her latest babies preparing to wine and dine a chicken!

Archie is asking people to join him in calling for the sterilisation of one whose children are disturbing his previously peaceful life!

And, why did the echidna cross the road?? So I could take his photo of course!! How cute is this fellow!
Last but not least, a gift idea for you... A good friend has kids my age and is spending ages every night at sports. The worst is the swmming training, the main seats are concrete bleachers, she was telling me this the other week so i made her a discreet quilted cushion/bag. Noone really wants to cart a cushion everywhere, but this is magazine carrying size, then if she just takes her stuff out it's comfy cushion. I lined it with chenille and it's fully reversible so if she doesn't want to sit on the outer she can just turn it inside out. She loved them and wants me to make more. The basic bag is my quited tutorial one in the sidebar links. I gave it a side handle here, up to you on the handles.

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Loosing everything on your computer is beyond a disaster!!! Ugh!!!

    Your babies are all so sweet. I love the award winning cute.

    The bleacher cushion is such a fabulous idea and attractive as well. Great idea.

  2. It's always a shock what we rely on being always there in the computer. Good luck catching up again!

    Loved the cushion idea, perhaps one side with a waterproof fabric would be good in soggy England.

  3. So good to see you back! LOVE the kittie pictures, how adorable :-)

  4. about time you returned from the darkness of everyday life.............LOL..........I am sure you know where to find you are enjoying the SSCS posts.......38 forecast here on the weekend too......will be a shock but not such a difference as your temps......

  5. Good to see you back . I suppose my never hearing from you when I ordered cards was because they were spinning around the atmosphere. 38 sounds great doesn't it, it means that the cool breeze will disappear. Love your spiderwebs, Why are they spider webs outside and cob webs inside?

  6. Ohh poor Archie. What a look on patience on his face. Love it. What a fab idea to make a cushion/bag. Good luck with trying to find all you have lost on your computer. There's nothing worse than searching for something you know you saved the link to but it's now gone into a black hole.

  7. I love those photos!!! Another card in the making??? That 'cushion bag' is a great idea, I have sat on those concrete seats and they are SO uncomfortable!!! Why oh why were they designed like that???

  8. Oh, wow, I thought were never coming back! Glad to see you have rejoined blogland. Great photos, thanks for sharing. Congrats on the win. I did pop in now and again but can see why you were not online! Welcome back :)


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!