Tuesday, January 05, 2010

What price therapy?


Heartfelt thanks to everyone who has left such lovely messages about my darling nana. The eulogy is all written and ready to give tomorrow, but beyond that I am ready to hide from my children under the bed...or run outside and scream!! Doesn't hormonal joy hit at just the perfect moment!!!
I hate to think what an hour's massage or therapy would cost me...and all too hard to organize a time and place anyway...but I have one clear hour before I need to start making tea and I am going for $2 scrap bag therapy!
I have tipped out the contents, I am not in the mood to trim or press anything at this point, or to search the stash for matching.... I am just going to sew for a solid hour and see what happens!! If I have to throw it out, it will still have been cheap fun!!
...and my husband thinks this hobby costs him money!!!
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  1. Hi Tracey... so sorry to hear about your Nanna. My Nan has just been put into palliative care and it breaks my heart to see her like this. I'm glad you were there for her, holding her hand. Such a precious memory. Hope your 'therapy' worked for you.

  2. I'm with you Tracey...and you know, the ones you don't think about too much and plan are usually your best ones!!!! Therapy involving fabric always works and is worth whatever cost!!!!
    sugary hugs XX
    Wendy :O)

  3. I think it is definietely cheaper than professional therapy. Plus, you can keep your creations!

  4. Hope you enjoy your therapy session to it's fullest!

  5. Hang in there Tracey - this too will pass - in the meantime you have had the excuse/need to play with those gorgeous fabrics. Hope the therapy worked and you are coping ok.

  6. Will be thinking about you tomorrow.

  7. I love those $2 bags of scraps. I just got some yesterday. If only the DH's knew how much this therapy saves them. Maybe we should calculate it and publish for future reference?

  8. So sorry to hear about your Nanna Tracey... You enjoy your hour of 'scrap' therapy and I'm looking forward to seeing what is produced at the end of it be it bad or good..

    Jodie :)


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