Friday, January 08, 2010

Therapy report

Nana, and Pa in his urn, has been appropriately sent off. The eulogy all went fine and the day went well...must have been the fabric therapy the night before.
After an hour and 10 minutes I had accomplished this much...
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...very rough and completely unmeasured...breaking every "proper" rule actually!!
But it's amazing how a little bit of pressing and cutting to size at the finish can the approximately 20 minutes I have had to spare since, we have got them to this stage,
The teddies one has really been made with the scrap bag dregs, i was determined to try and use everything. The greens are coming up as a cute table runner/centre.
Off to the beach today, hope your day is great, Tracey


  1. Glad the therapy went well. The results look great. I need to start using some of my scraps too.

  2. Glad both the therapy and the event went well. I think a day at the beach sounds a triffic antidote to the stressful week.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!