Sunday, January 10, 2010

Love that beach!!

Apparently you friends in the US and Britain are experiencing extreme winter conditions and here in oz it's hot, darn hot. 40 today and yesterday and 43 tomorrow. Perfect weather for yesterday's effort...5 1/2 hours on the beach achieved this...

Half the beach people either came to dig or came to take photos.

Look at howthis second picture makes our work look a little like Australia.
The ocean eventually won the long battle, but it was great fun...haven't worked that hard with a shovel for years. The kids loved it, their uncle and Mum working along with them, you can't buy that fun at an electronics shop......
Of course there was only one downside, I spent so much time concentrating on the kids sunscreen that, while I had that long sleeve rash vest, hat and face sunscreen, i seem to have neglected the legs...I wont put you off your meals by posting a pic, but just get a mental picture of beetroot! My husband can't believe it as I am the sunscreen police!!

I have taken all the photos from my nan's photo board and scanned them all into the computer to make a photo book for each of Mum's brothers and sisters. I especially love this one of them rabitting and thought you may like to see it as well. My mum is the little girl, my aunt in my late Nana's arms and her brother is there helping.
Too hot to sew today, hopefully Wednesday looks good for some serious progress,
Stay warm..or cool!! Love Tracey
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  1. has been too hot for anything today - Your beach adventure looks like great fun.

  2. triffic building adventure. glad you are having a great holiday. Stay cool tomorrow.

  3. It looks like all had a great time and it's a terrific way to cool down. We are one of the lucky parts of the world with fabulous temperatures. No complaints.

    I, too, am sunburn queen and police all over sunscreen. I feel your pain!!!!!!

  4. Actually looking forward to going to work in the air conditioning today!!! Love that photo!

  5. Love the sand building - you all did a wonderful job. Down by the beach would have been heaps cooler than here....even if you did end up with sunburn. Ouch!!!

  6. Love the photos Tracey. Would have been so much nicer at the beach than here at the moment. It's so hot and humid. Hope your legs recover soon. 'Beetroot' is not a good colour xx

  7. Oh what I wouldn't do to be on that beach! That is such a cool sand castle you built!

  8. Looks like great fun. I've been there with the beetroot legs, that's not fun at all. Hope you don't peel too badly.

  9. I hate you. We are freezing over here.
    Never mind only 10 months to go until The Ashes again.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

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