Saturday, January 16, 2010

card display unit and a skirt.

Posted by PicasaHome long enough from the beach to do some sewing.
A shop wants to sell my animal cards so I made them up a little display unit to show their selection.

Also been dressmaking. This little skirt is a design I am working on for my 18 month old niece, elastic in the back, none in the front. I even sacrificed some Heather Bailey, but with her being this cute who wouldn't!
Off to her mother's birthday tomorrow, just finished her present and will take a picture of it in good light in the morning, have a great day, Tracey


  1. Adorable skirt! Yours looks much better than the one I just finished.

  2. You are right. Your niece is adorable

    Love and hugs Gina xxx


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