Friday, January 01, 2010

Categorically not the best New Year's day ever!

A quiet New Year with friends last night and i ended up hypothetically sleeping on the couch so Dh could try to get the broken ribs cosy in bed...I say hypothetically because I don't think I slept at all, between barking dogs and their attempt to get a rat in the garden, the daughter's cat thinking I was purely there to replace the cat toys and the sheer fact it was the couch..I woke up feeling ordinary.
My 94 year old grandma is in a home 120 kms from here and took a downward turn at Christmas so I took the fact dh was having the day off as a chance to see her without making the kids see her deteriorated. Dh took one look at me and said to go tomorrow, as I hadn't slept the night before either as I kept checking him all night to make sure there weren't any undetected internal or lung troubles. But i didn't like to put it off. Got there and her respirations were a lot stronger and she didn't seem absolutely terrible but i thought I didn't want her alone so i would stay until some of the others returned...and all of a sudden at about 2.45 pm she drew out her breaths and passed away with me holding her hand...not in the script when her daughters had spent the last 2 nights with her expecting this, then left to sleep because it didn't seem so likely! So an afternoon of ringing the family, talking to nurses and waiting by myself sitting with my late grandma for others to get there meant I only got back here at 7pm.
Now, it's bed...and heaven help the dog, cat, kid or husband that disturbs tonight's beauty sleep!
RIP Nana, after a life that completely revolved around your family.
Everyone else, Have a better day..and a good sleep! Tracey


  1. Soo sorry to read your news today of all days, hope you get a really good sleep

  2. I'm sorry to read your sad news. It was so nice that Nana had someone with her.

  3. Hi Tracey, so sorry to hear of your loss, as the others said it was good for Nana that you were there - it is a horrible situation (life) that does that to you. You deserve a good rest - hope they are good to you at home tonight. regards Debi

  4. Oh Tracey, I'm so sorry for your loss. Please do take care of yourself although I have a feeling that the next week will be busy with a service and family. Hope that your DH is on the mend real soon. (((HUGS)))

  5. I am so sorry, Tracey. I am so glad that you were blessed with the chance to be there with her rather than to have her be alone fot those last hours.

    I am also sorry to read of DH's accident. I hope he is feeling better soon and that those ribs heal quickly.

    Now....let's toss out the "old" and bring on a blessed new year for you.

  6. Happy New Year to you, I hope DH heals quickly.

  7. Sorry to read your news. Nana chose her time-you must have been special to her.May she now be at peace.
    Hope you got some sleep.

  8. May not be the best New Years Day but how lovely that you were with Grandma and she wasn't alone. Must of been for a reason that you still went even after the sleepless night. So glad Hubby is okay, could of been a very different outcome. Fingers crossed you slept soundly last night.

  9. thinking of you Tracey.........

  10. I'm so glad you were with her.

  11. Tracey
    I am so sorry to hear about your Nanna.. but what an innings! To have her family with her as well, thats a blessing... when my mum passed away, she was on holiday with my dad, and he wasn't with her for the last moments, she was rushed to hospital and he was left in the waiting room.. its something he lives with and we live with each day.. so far from home...
    I am sure this next week will be very hard for your and your family and I also wish your hubby a very speedy recovery...


  12. I'm sorry to read your news. Your Nanna sounds like she was a very special lady and will be sorely missed. I hope you got a good night's sleep.

  13. Tracey that was wonderful for your Nana that you were with her - brave girl. I anm so sorry but think it sounds like she went peacefully with your hand in hers.

    You look after yourself now; from experience I know it takes more out of you than you realsie at the time. I wish you a restful night.
    Hugs Ali.

  14. Tracey,
    So sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved grandmother.
    Wishing your husband a quick recovery from the broken ribs.
    I hope that you find yourselves surrounded and supported by loving friends and family as you honor your grandmother's life.
    With sincere condolences.
    Warmest regards,

  15. Life is Life , What we make of it comes to us as blessings, for rasons we don't know. Kindest regards to your family.

  16. I'm sending you lots and lots of hugs and prayers to help you through the loss of your Nana.

  17. My sympathies on the loss of your grandmother but I'm glad you were with her and that you had her in your life for such a long time! My grandma died this past October at age 92. My uncle had just left the hospital and gotten home when they called him to say she had gone, so she was alone in the hospital when she passed, which is a bit sad.

  18. Nana, thank you for waiting for Tracey.

    Much love to all~

  19. You and the family are in my thoughts and prayers Tracey. Sleep well and rest - you were meant to be there with your Nanna.

  20. Very sad to hear of your Grandma, but lovely you could be there with her.

  21. Oh Tracey, I'm so sorry for your loss, you were there when she needed you, and she wasn't alone, the feeling's going to be with you forever, hope your hubby feels better soon

  22. That's nice that you could be there Tracey.

  23. Oh Tracey! What a couple of days you've had. Hopefully you are now getting some sleep.
    I'm so sorry about your grandmother but very glad that you were there so she wasn't alone.
    Here is to a better 2010 then the start!!

  24. So sorry to read of your grand mothers passing....I send my deepest sympathy.
    I hope you got a much deserved rest and that your hubby is on the mend.

  25. So sorry to hear the news of your Grandma's passing. Sending lots of hugs across the waters. While it may not have been the New Year's welcome you scripted - it seems like such a blessing that you were able to be with your Nana at the end. Surely she is smiling down on you with love and gratitude.

  26. So very glad that you were with her at the end, she wasn't alone. My sympathies to you and your family.

  27. (((hugs))) So sorry to hear about your loss.

  28. Oh my - a sad and stressful several days - rough. I'm so sorry. How lovely that your grammy had ahold of you during her last moments - that must mean something special.

    Thank you for telling your story.

  29. Oh Tracey, I"m so sorry to hear about your grandma. I stopped in to catch up and feel terrible that I stopped by to find this bad news. Hope you all are ok, and hope 2010 brings some happy times your way.

  30. Oh Tracey, so sorry to hear your news. Thoughts are with you
    XXXsugary hugs

  31. I am so sorry. Just have faith that you will see her again. And I believe that even when our loved ones pass on, they are always with us.




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