Thursday, December 31, 2009 change predicted here!

40 degrees here, with hot strong northerly winds...there's nothing cool about north winds in this area of the Southern hemisphere!
Another year about to depart...almost 2 pm, a few due here for New Year's...(perfect for the pool)..I have just got home from groceries, food to prepare,tidying to do and a wardrobe to sort because I decided today was the day to get that organized so the contents are all over my floor! I have realised that with the best of intentions the New Year will bring no change here! I am always full of good intentions and attempts to be more organizedand nothing will be different! But really, when life is good, why make too many changes!
We have had a little extra excitement here and perhaps a little extra to be thankful for as we leave the old year behind.. my darling husband was in too much of a hurry yesterdy between fixing a windmill in the heat and trying to cart loads to the silo and came off his quad bike. Of all the days he had his phone on the charger and I was returning niece and nephew to my sister, so it was very fortunate he managed to get himself up, get the bike back up and get home, of course he went back about his work and only went to emergency a few hours later when breathing got tricky!! turns out there are a fair few broken ribs, a dodgy arm and leg but he's dosed on painkillers and back working, harvest stops for no-one. They are closing silos early so he promises he will be home to put his feet up. I shudder when I think of the eventualities if he had been knocked out or the bike had fallen further and unbalanced onto him in the table drain as it threatened to, with noone home and noone with any idea where he 38 degree temps!

Here is a harvesting photo from the other night for you.
My dh has become a bit of an online shopper lately as well, I started it with the fabric, but I have a feeling he got just slightly carried away! here's his purchase...

Gotta love those husbands!! Have agreat New Year and see you next year, love Tracey


  1. Holy shmoley! I'll never ever ever whinge about my dags (aka dh) buying CD's online again! enjoy ??? Hope your hubs is on the mend real soon..

    Best wishes for 2010 to you and your mob Tracey!

    nr Newcastle NSW

  2. well at least he remembers what he was doing unlike when i rolled the 4 wheeler.......feeling for him hope he is ok.........
    looks like your dh got a little more carried away then mine with the internet shopping......

  3. Hi Tracey I'm glad your husband is ok ! Quads are dicey things !!! Happy New Year !

  4. So very glad to hear your husband is OK!

    Love your picture, now that's what I call an online purchase.

  5. So glad your hubby is ok. Amazing how easily and quickly things can turn bad. Love the on-line purchase. Bit like when mine went to a swap meet and came home with a tractor!! Happy New Year to you and your family.

  6. Hope hubby is ok and did take a bit of time to rest. What a scare to end the year on. Got to love the new "toy". If you are going to buy something buy something big so everyone notices it....vbg.

  7. Thank God your hubby did nothing worse...they think they're invincible don't they??? Hope he's healing well. I can relate to the online purchases your hubby makes too...mine keeps looking for dozers that he will buy once he 'wins' the $30m in Lotto tomorrow night!!!hehehe He wants one each for both of us with mine being painted pink....I don't want to work if we win $30million!!!!!! LOL, out with the old and in with the new for 2010....many blessings coming your way!
    sugary hugs...XX WendyB :O)

  8. Husbands!!!

    Man how much fabric can you buy now without having to hide it!

  9. Mine found his JD Combine online. Yes, DH's can be dangerous. Hope the ribs heal fast.


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