Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas round up

I am laughing at myself here..I read how not to put your weight back on over Christmas and it's apparently important to not keep eating like it's Christmas day, just to leave the excesses to the one day...well that may be fine if you hadn't made up 2 separate dip and cheese platters for the 2 different family Christmas day parties...and came home with about half of each of them! I don't know about youbut I cannot let beautiful cheese go to waste...or caviar dip for that am slowly working through the platter(s)...this is exactly what happened after my 40th as well, and it is amazing how quickly the 6 kgs I lost crept back on!!

So I am heading out after blogging to resume my mini triathlon training regime, a couple of kms up the road on the bike..a couple of kms run/walk and 25 laps of the pool...surely that will negate today's debauchery!

I photographed my first paid wedding job yesterday, i was to provide the alternate view. How cute is this little fellow..

Christmas day meant that I could finally open my SSCS parcel. Chookyblue Donna ran this swap again this year, Thanks Donna, it was great. This is the parcel from Dawn that tempted me for weeks..and it was well worth the wait!

Here are the contents...

Gorgeous dawn..I love the wallhanging..the fabric and the book is brilliant, you clever shopper! I think the jelly belly pooping reindeers (not shown) were nearly the hit of my kid's Christmas...seen nothing like that around here! They loved all of it and want me to send you money for more particular candy they liked!They only see lots of animal's real thing!
My parcel went to Norway, to Anne-marie, here is what she received..
a plastic coated moda bag and purse, Roman holiday table runner, an apron and some of my cards

My girl also received her Christmas swap from Fairy girl, Chookyblue Donna's girl.
They had to include a needle case. This is hers, it's beautiful. The other things were eaten and dispersed by the time I got the camera out!

My girl had jessie girl, daighter of Oh sew busy. She sent this parcel, we tried to make the needle case look like a bag (Left)...and added in a real bag to match.

That is the Christmas round-up and if I am to get off my ever-so-slightly-getting-rounder-as-we-speak-behind and exercise, i better go now!

Hope christmas was great! Tracey


  1. Oh dear.. I think it against the law to mention kilos during December....

  2. Great gifts given and received!!!

    Yes, that is an adorable photo from the wedding. So cute.

  3. wonderful gifts sent and received in the SSCS...........thanks for being part of the swap yet again........
    The Little Stitches have loved the swap they are all so happy with there needlecases........
    I am with jodie just don't mention kilos in December...........

  4. I truly think our stomachs stretch on Christmas Day, and then it takes more to fill in the subsequent days, hence the weight gainage. (do you like that word? gainage?) LOL Great wedding shot.

  5. Hi Tinky tink
    I hope you love my needlecase I sent you. I also love what you sent to jessie Girl. Also did you make the little doll?
    Fairy Girl

  6. Hi Tracey... love your gifts! That Jelly roll book is the best. Love your new photos by the way too. Hope you had a great Christmas. Hope your triathlon regime works!!!

  7. Tracey, I've just received your parcel - thank you so much :-)

    Although I've lost your email address, please mail me so I can say thank you properly!

  8. Beautiful wedding picture.

    I am pretending that kilos don't exist at the moment. I too need to get back to the exercise!


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