Tuesday, December 01, 2009

More finishes...

Still on a finishing roll here, this little chook panel is hand bound and off the to-do list, it reminds me so much of my girl out feeding the chooks.

I have another "finish", regular readers will have seen this finished before, but I wasn't happy with the big expanses of gold left next to the star and I am not a confident enough hand quilter to make that a feature in the space, so I added more diamonds and ouline quilted them, also outline quilted some of the main lone star as well. Now I think I'm happy...every bit done by hand except the initial attaching of binding to quilt edge...you can't do that by hand!

Here magnum, the kitten, who is ruling the house after only 9 days of owning us!
About to sift through all the year's photos for entries in our local show photography competition on Saturday, that will be a busy night's work. I am also running the animal nursery, and have my "we're all 40" high school reunion that night, the the week is about to get busy!
I haven't seen most of these people for 22 years! My two best school friends wont be there, one doesn't get back from Kuala Lumpur until the next week and the other is lost at sea, perhaps drinking carona on a Castaway island somewhere, but I think that's a pipe dream. So it's lucky I'm not shy, just hoping I will be wearing the "right" clothes and it doesn't feel like high school did!!
Have a good day, Tracey


  1. Great finishes! Doesn't it feel good to have them done?

    Magnum is so cute and looks so terribly innocent.

    You will be busy with the nursery and the reunion. It will be fun. There is so much more confidence that comes with being 40.

  2. Yea! for finishes.. I love finishing projects (and I have alot of them too)

    Have a happy day!


  3. great to have finishes...........must find some and do some for myself.........

  4. I love your finishes!, the quilt is gorgeous, Magnum is soooooo cute, and hope you have a great time in the reunion!

  5. Tracey!!! Your hand made star is gorgeous! Doesn't it feel good to finish a long hand quilting project??? I am standing up clapping my hands!!!!

  6. Oh, treasures, all of them, from the quilts to the kitties. Have a great time at your reunion--I just missed my 30th (intentionally) but wish you the best at yours!

  7. Magnum is adorable

    great finishes

    Love and hugs Gina xx

  8. Hi Tracy..
    Just wanted to tell you that my SSCS swapgift is safe with me here in Norway ;-))
    Thank you so much and I loved my tree ornamnet, heart and the little christmas picture !!
    I will try to be a very good girl and not open rest of my swap gift before Christmas...
    I will not be abel to blogg about my gift before friday because I am going to Trondheim on business..
    Thank you again for being my swappartner and making me this wonderful swapgift ;-)))))

  9. Well done on managing to finish anything given your schedule!

    And Magnum is making me all 'miaowy' (that's clucky for a kitty!!!)


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