Saturday, November 28, 2009

We have sewing!

I have been in a finishing mood this week..finishing a few of my own projects, not just b/fire ones!
The Secret Santa Christmas parcel is safely mailed away, to be shown to you after Christmas. I have also delivered a few bag orders and last night I had a site at the local German festival and sold over 150 cards, plus baby blankets and bags. Best result ever!
The finishes I have taken a photo of already are the 70's clothes scraps string quilt for my best friend's Mum. Yes, i know you all saw it ages ago, my BFF is in Kuala Lumpur and about to shift home, so that was the motivation to declutter that UFO.
As you may know...from a lot of photos of quilts on animals...I love Jim Shore. I bought this panel a year or two ago and now it is a finished UFO as well, why is it so hard to get a binding attached, because it is so nice to see these things finished!!
Note to self, weaned calves are NOT the best models for quilts!
#1. They don't want to come to the yard
#2. They don't like 2 dogs barking at them
#3. They see no motivation to get their head from the bucket and
#4. They REALLY don't see the funny side of blankets thrown over their back!
I should show you the "deleted scenes!"
So this is the best we can do today...

I have to run today, my Dh is showing up at 6 pm instead of 11pm as it has rained here and you can't bale in the rain so, much to my emancipated sister's disgust I am sure, I am off to get out of the tracky's into something respectable and put some make-up on for drinks...a girls goota make an effort!
Have agreat day!
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  1. Love the quilts.
    Congratulations on the great sales.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. Love the string quilt -- it's so bright and cheerful!

  3. Very nice. Glad that you got so many projects FINISHED!!!

    I'll make a mental note about the weaned calves!!!!

  4. The quilts look great (and so does the reluctant model, LOL). Congratulations on finishes, sales, and a night out. Lucky you!

  5. wow you sure are going well with the cards..........

    great to get some projects finished it makes you feel so good.......

  6. You should show just a few of the before shots ..... but it sure must feel good to get those quits done, done, done!

  7. What was the calf thinking ???The look on the face says " My coats better than Jacob's "

  8. Well done on some finishes! Love the string quilt - the yellow is great in there!

  9. Yes Tracey, I'm still here. Struggling with the mojo, but getting there. I love your calves and the string quilt is beautiful. Colour combo is great.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!