Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lots and lots of photos...and a new kitten!

Back again, and after those nice words of encouragement I promise I will never again consider deleting the blog! If you are happy for me to call in when i can then that's fine with me!

Arlette was the lucky commenter drawn out by the slaves, Arlette will get her prize in time for Chrsitmas a few other belated ones!! Drop me a line Arlette!

I have actually had some sewing time...and can i share? No, not until after my Secret santa Christmas swap person opens her parcel on Christmas morning. How different her Chrsitmas will be from mine, parallel opposite probably! It has been so terribly hot here for November, after being so wet! It went from Winter and straight to Summer, my garden was lovely for a week! DH has been working 18 hours a day cutting, baling and raking hay...what joy!

So with no sewing i can show, i thought i would take some pics at the little country show we went to today.

This wedding ring quilt is on my list, think I will need to break a leg to get to everything on my list! It was hand quilted and needless to say, made a first place.

Another first for this, great use of photos!

I'm a sucker for a pinwheel and a kaleidoscope, loved this...received a second.

Thought the cross stitchers would be impressed with this height chart. I was! Could only snap this through the wire.

Snapped a few animals while I was there, I have picked up another shop that wants my cards, a pet shop! So i thought I had better have a few ones particularly for there to join the animal ones I have already.

Like my horse?

I loved this pig...

And this pig..

and more of this pig...

and I also have a new peregrine falcon shot. I have adored peregrine falcons since I first read Catherine Gaskin's Falcon for a Queen when I was a teenager, anyone else read that, it is fabulous! I even forgive them for the occasional chicken I see them fly away with!

This was the favourite animal of the day. After 6 months of grieving over poor drowned Tom, my girl has had another try...this is Magnum PIC, (pretty impressive cat or something like that!)... and yes, there's very few 80's TV shows she doesn't like!

I will leave you with a job...seeing I am packaging up and posting cards and SSCS gifts, I may as well add some more. I think these two last photos lend themselves to some kind of saying/verse and they may well end up as cards..or not! Give me a something suitable in the comments to go in the draw for some cards,
have a great day, Tracey


  1. As always, T, I love your animal pictures. I'm happy you got a new kitty -- having one of those brings new life and joy to a household. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pics. No ideas for your card captions, so don't enter me in your drawing. I won some of your cards a few months back and love using them!

  2. Great pictures! I, too, have the Bouble Wedding Ring on my "someday" list.

    Magnum PIC is adorable. He will be loved.

    #1 "Did you hear......"
    #2 "We all need a hug once in awhile"

  3. Love the photos

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  4. Oh the kitty is cute, love the face painting and I love 80's shows too.. but every know and then when one is showed late on television I cringe cause I thought they were so good, and now? ummm.. (Return to Eden comes to mind, so corny now) At least with the new GO! channel I have a chance to relive my youth!

    the itinerant blogger
    sometimes patchworker

  5. Beautiful photos, and Magnum PIC is gorgeous!
    That wedding ring quilt is lovely!

  6. I have been waiting with baited glad you decided to stay!!!!! phew!!! No great ideas for the cards goes..... #1 - Want to hear a secret??? #2 - When times are tough, family always sticks together! ....three times the love!

    Got the Sunday brain in gear....nothing much happens then!!!!

    sugary hugs XX 'o)

  7. Oh geez!!!!!! I was going to read your post from today and watch that gorgeous wedding ring quilt pic peacefully and I'm realizing I won something from you!!!!!!!!!!!, can't believe it!, I had no clue!, you made my day THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!, needed to make sure wasn't another arlette there, lol. I'm really happy you're in blogland, as I told you before, I love your blog and the things you like to do, thank you for showing us, such nice pics, the animal pics are beautiful, I really like them!. I'm going to write my address down for you, I can't wait to get my prize :P!

  8. Fun photos!

    Glad you are staying around!

  9. Thanks for deciding to stay....
    Great photos.....The horse one would make a good "Congratulations" card.

  10. Pleased to hear you aren't jumping ship. Love the photos, as always. The horse looks like he's whispering sweet nothings, so perhaps they could be sent to someone, and the pigs, well....There were three in the bed and the little one said...

  11. Phew. Hope the cool change made it your way too. Cute animal pix.

    I'm thinking a horse joke would be good: Outside: 'Say, how do you spell "hungry horse"?'

    Inside: Good luck with the exam!

  12. Animal posts are always fun, but the first photo of that beautiful horse just makes my stomach hurt, he is sooooo beautiful!

    I used to show horses (American Saddle Bred, 3 gaited) as a young woman .... sighhhhhh .. long ago ...

  13. Your photos as usual are stunning !

  14. Miss Moggie sends purrs and snuggles to Magnum.
    Her Mummy wishes she was that small again.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!