Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New cards,a prize and harvest already!

Back again, but feeling mighty guilty about this blogging business, there just doesn't seem enough hours in the day anymore! I am thinking, if I am struggling to get round all the other blogs, is it manners to delete mine? But I love the blogworld, -the support, encouragement and connestion -when time allows me...surely things will settle.....What do you think? Leave a comment on this, the cards or anything today...and as a thanks for "hopefully" re-enthusing me you, will go in a little giveaway draw. Gina and lady hopwood know that because I have grand plans, my giveaways don't always get mailed the next day...but I am guaranteeing Christmas delivery for everyone! LOL! i especially feel I owe those 60 or 70 people who statcounter says check in on me everyday!! Thanks..and take the time to comment, or email and you will go in the draw! Just put blog in the email title so I open you!

Weather here is unseasonably hot, looks like it may be 10 days of over 30 degrees and it is still Spring! This means DH is working around the clock, last night he fell into bed after a 39 hour "day'...if that makes sense! Valiantly trying to beat the weather to the hay.

So I am playing the supportive wife and getting back into the harvest swing of being available 24/7 for any job, preferably with food always on the ready!

The card range has grown to 150! These are the new ones added today to the blog site, so feel free to go over and have a look. I did a market on the weekend and sold almost 100, so am busy replenishing! Off to clean enough to "legally and morally" get in some sewing time, just feel like having a sleep on the couch really! Bring on February and the end of harvest...boy, that seems a long long way away! Cheers, Tracey

Granny Goose has received ny washcloth swap parcel so I can show what i sent! Two matching wash cloth/pot holders and the requisite seeds.
I received mine from Oh sew busy, chenille cloths in almost the same colours as I had sent to granny goose1 great minds think alike! The seeds are planted so not in the pic!
Catch you soon, with sewing! Remember to comment to enter, Tracey


  1. Oh Miss cannot stop the blog, without you I would never had a peck at the rural farm life of Australia. Or the chuckles about similar situations with rural farm life in Texas. You are so talented....your photography, writing and your beautiful sewing/quilting. Just let us know that all is well or let us be your sounding board as you doesn't have to be every day but when you have a minute to share. Hugs, Barb

  2. Please don't stop blogging. I know how much spare time we all have these days, but even an accassional blog is always a welcome sight.

    Cute cards. Very creative!

  3. I certainly cannot fault such a busy woman for failing to post as often as I'd love to read new posts! I do check in on you every day :)

    Wow, that's a long list of to-do's that can and SHOULD come before blogging; wife, mum, and all definitely rate higher. Thanks so much for sharing all you do. Your cards are great--congrats on selling so many!

  4. Oh no way!, please don't stop blogging, I just love your blog, I know I don't leave comments often, I remember once I didn't know how to add you as a follower and I almost went crazy, looking for about how to add you, I was really sad, because I didn't know to do it, some days later I was still trying and I did it!, I was happy, I know I'm silly, I love your blog, you're an artist, you keep in trying!

  5. The weeks just seem to run away, I don't blog as much as I was, but I enjoy visiting your blog and your new cards are just great. Happy Harvest!

  6. Dont stop the blog , way to cute to read and lovely photos of places i have not been,.love the cards and the horses are beautiful and a hand full
    take care and blessings to ya now git and come back so we can read some more .....

  7. Your cards are beautiful as always!

    Please don't delete ... a snippet here and there is better than disappearing.

  8. Please keep blogging. It doesn't matter if it is only now and then...and I'm sure you'll pick up again as life settles down. The cards are great.

  9. It's that crazy time of year again for lots of people - don't give up the blog. That's the great thing about Bloglines, google reader, etc. We'll all be here when you're ready :)

    My fave is this one (No time spent in the saddle is wasted!)

    Keep on keeping on. Hope you all get the hay in :)

  10. Blogging when you can is my vote!! I can't/don't blog often when life is too busy or if I'm sick or if I don't really have anything to say.
    Love the cards. Look forward to reading your blog.

  11. Please don't stop blogging! I love your blog and I'm OK with fewer posts. Your new cards are adorable!

  12. I completely understand, I'm having the same trouble trying to find time to blog.

  13. Please don't stop blogging, just leave the door open, and come when you can.


  14. Don't stop blogging Tracey - just blog when you can. I understand where you are coming from regarding the hours in the day. Sometimes you just have to prioritise and lets face it harvest is the income earner. Hope hubby has a slightly shorter day soon and that you are coping. Take care of yourselves.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Tracey please don't stop blogging....In my opinion occasional blogs are better than no blogs at all. I'm one of those who check daily and enjoy reading of your busy life when you post...I was once a Farmers' wife and know first hand how busy and how hard harvest time is, especially with a young family to care for...your blog reminds me of my life on the farm...We have long since retired from farming in Victoria and relocated to retirement in sunny Queensland.

  17. I'm not bery good at keeping up with my own blog, but I thoroughly enjoy seeing your beautiful photographs! I hope you continue!

  18. I just love my washcloth and pot holder, also the cards are beautiful. Thankyou so much. Great minds do think alike, the chenille cloths ar lovely. Your new cards look stunning


  19. Would hate to see you disappear off the face of Blogland...I love visiting your blog and comparing the different parts of our country and marvelling at how wonderful and truly diverse we are!! I can relate to the busy-ness..I often feel guilty too but you would surely miss the sharing of your life with us and we would miss your talent!!! Love your cards - your photography always inspires me!

    Keep blogging, if only sparingly in times when time is lacking!!
    XXX sugary hugs
    Wendy B 'o)

  20. The heat gets us down, the kids get us down , the work gets us down --- However when we are down the way is only up, up and up. By being who you are and what you achieve you bring gladness into many homes by blogging and many more by sharing your talents by the way of cards.

  21. Your cards and photos are wonderful! I love the photo with the little black lamb's head peeking up! Take care my busy friend!

  22. I enjoy reading your blog and it never fails to give me joy. Especially when we are experiencing fall and heading into winter, its wonderful to hear about harvests and baby farm animals :)

  23. You can't stop! You remind me of home when I'm homesick :) And your pictures are stunning.

    I know the feeling though, I've started deleting blogs from my feed reader in an attempt to make visiting the bloggers I really connect with easier.

  24. Stop blogging!!! Don't be crazy. We all have lives and get busy from time to time. I'm very behind in my blogging and reading but I know its always there when I get some quiet time. Love your latest pics especially the lambs. Would miss you if you stopped.

  25. Wow what great support you have online. I love your blog and love your photos! It is fun to check in even if you don't post all the time. Have a happy day!!


  26. What's this I read you thought about stopping your blog. Please don't do that. It's okay if you blog when you can. I think everyone understands how busy you are and a post every now and then is fine. It would be a crying shame you have so much to share and offer. I just love your cards I think the sayings add that extra personal touch.
    Take care and kind regards from Liz


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!