Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Christmas everywhere!

Such a busy time! As I have discussed a good 3 times in my bloglife...Christmas is very trickily scheduled here! (That's if you realy consider Christmas "scheduled"!) A winter Christmas would be a lot more restful!

It is summer time and the kids breakup from school here tomorrow, the hay harvest is almost done, but the canola is ready to go as soon as the harvesters get here from the warmer northern regions where they have already harvested..within the next day or two; EVERY organisation has a breakup for Christmas/holiday break...so I have been out almost every second night...and in there somewhere you are trying to fit in Christmas..and even some sewing! I am heading over to my sewing room in a minute to work on a special Christmas present for a patchwork admiring school teacher..no pressure, i have until tomorrow!

I have received my SSCS parcel form my lovely friend, Dawn...who used to be in Korea and is now back in the US...doesn't it look exciting..I am being so patient and waiting for Christmas...there are even gift bags for the kids! This is the decoration that I am allowed to open!
Thanks Dawn! Anne-Marie in Norway has received hers from me as well, it is always nice to know they have arrived safely.

We had our quilters break-up lunch on Sunday. I had been on the run after attending my High School reunion the night before...(such an interesting evening...to see people after all that time!)
We had a Chris Cringle and here are some of the gifts...
There are some good Christmas gift ideas there..the suffolk puff Chrsitmas tree, machine sewn fabric cards, the rustic card hanger...to name a few..
Off to sew, have a great day, tracey


  1. I would imagine that Christmas in the winter would be a better idea. I hadn't thought about it in the middle of your summer before. There is always so much more to do in the summer months.

  2. Christmas in Winter is no fun either. Just imagine trudging around the shops with millions of others when it's pouring with rain and freeezing cold. Believe me I'd rather a bit of sun on my back.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  3. So glad the package made it there on time and in one piece!!!
    Enjoy my friend!!!

  4. It is hectic in the northern hemisphere also, but certainly not in the same way. I do love the cold weather and it doesn't seem like Christmas without it. I spent a number of years in the tropics, so I do have that experience also. Hope it is Merry anyway!

  5. Isn't this time of the year hectic?? I dont have a crop to harvest though, but its still madness...

    To top off christmas here, my christmas craft came to a screeching halt.. I have stuffed my knee big time! no work but no able to sew which is a tad poopy...


  6. good news to hear your SSCS and sent and received safely.............
    so much to fit in at this time of the year..........

  7. Hi Tracey..
    Thank you so much for beeing my SSCS swap partner Tracey. Today I have managed to put a post out about my SSCS gift from you.
    Sorry it took me a little while. My next week wil also be a bit busy and I miss my time of to sew. I guess there will be lots of time after Christmas. I wish you a lovely week comming!!

  8. I forgot to ask you on Saturday how the school reunion went??? Love the decoration from Dawn, now that is cute!


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