Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Where is the time going??

School holidays are almost over and, like both dogs, the cat and about 20 roosters..I am flat out chasing my tail!

Sleepovers here, sleepovers there, a new calf to feed, 10 new ducklings, 6!! more clucky bring the total to 10, playdates here, playdates there. an hour's trip to catch up with my friend home from Kuala Lumpur..and BIG Geelong grandfinal win and celebration day. The sewing room is meant to be clean by Friday night quilters and unless someone is coming here tomorrow with a heap of Oompa loompas and a large truck or two that is NOT going to happen!

Today was start day, kids were at Holiday Bible Adventure all day so i was to get the tax stuff done, go to pilates and then all go! I haven't managed pilates for 5 weeks, surely today was the, a phone call from the Landcare group who need a slideshow of photos of the land killed that next 2 hours. That got me to lunchtime...all ready to start..until a phone call from the Bible Adventure, the boy wanted to come home after getting wood or sawdust in his eye...went to get him, only to find out that he was now right! Then home and handed bills to pay in town..the other direction! Back for pickup, thinking i had a clear 3 hours to start before tea...the boy shows me the 3/4's of a front tooth he has left after an accident with his knee, so find a ride home for the girl and head 100 kms to the dentist who will see us!! Pretty unlucky day for a boy who was at a Bible adventure!

An hour, a rebuilt tooth and $160 later (not too bad I thought!) we headed back home, to organize 200 cards for a big wildflower show! See why the oompa Loompas would be handy?

I'll leave you with what my darling niece and nephew got upto on their farm adventure-they never wanted to leave....I could make money hosting farmstays-IF they invented a 30 hour day!..DN woke up at 5.15 am the second day, ready to see of the ducklings had hatched and to feed the chooks some more!
Have a great day, Tracey
ps, the calf's name is Hagrid!


  1. I'm exhausted just reading about your day.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. I agree...your day was filled. If you find any of those oompa Loompas send them my way!

  3. Wow! What a hectic day. When I was a "townie" kid, I loved nothing better than staying with cousins or my Grandma on their farms.

  4. I think we all need oompa loompas, but if we had them, I'd promise to send mine your way for a couple of sound like you need them!!!!! Hopefully end of school holidays will bring you back to SOME normality!!!???
    'o) Wendy B

  5. You answered your own question there Tracey. Jeez Louise I feel more tired after reading all that!

  6. Years from now you'll look back and wonder how you did it all! Poor Boy, hope he's all smiles again and ready to tackle schooldays so Mum can get something done!


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