Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Here comes Spring..kind of!

All the signs of Spring are here....
my chooks just keep walking out of any bits of undergrowth with babies.

These are the latest...13!
I found this nest today..fortunately noticed the hen cluck clucking around the yard and followed her back to this icanthus..right outside my bedroom window!
The bees are going just crazy! Never seen anything like it, they really must like pigface, they had no interest in me putting the camera virtually right up against them, they were only intent upon their work!

The only thing slightly unspringlike, well not in the last 10 springs that it just keeps raining! We have had close to an inch again in the last few days, with much more due...and all this while NSW and Sydney areas are enveloped in dust's a strange country!
This canola is slightly struggling under the weight of water
Gotta go...gotta sew!
Have a great day, Tracey
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  1. Queensland's copping the dust too now....would be nice to get some of that lovely rain to dampen it down a bit!
    ;o) Wendy B

  2. It's hard to imagine spring as we are entering fall. We've had such a cool summer here and I can't imagine what winter will bring.

    It's too bad you can't share all that rain with areas in need of it.

  3. Awww.. aren't the chickens cute!
    Could do with some rain here too. I'm a bit worried about the level of water in our tanks.

  4. Cute lil chicks. I feel that you may be recruiting some new models soon! ;-)

  5. 13 chicks? Thank god I only have two, eh? It's wacky weather all right.,.

  6. Love the chicks.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  7. I said to Keryn yesterday "Is it possible to get sick of it raining?" For as long as I can remember we've been so grateful for any little sprinkling, and now it seems it just won't stop! And it's been mixed up with lots of wind so that it's like someone flinging huge buckets of water at the windows. We're just not used to this!

  8. We are trying to have a patio put out back but they can't start until the ground is dry...maybe I'll get it done for Christmas? I couldn't have thought to do it when we had the three years of drought now could I?!

  9. Tracey , what fabulous photos !

  10. Hi Tracey!

    There is nothing like winter to make you appreciate spring! Fall is just starting here and I have had my first few leaves fall. Have a happy day!!


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