Monday, October 12, 2009

Here comes the shearing...

How much am I loving a laptop! Mobile internet access and a card slot for the camera memory card and I can actually keep up with Flash Forward and blog at the same!! We are at Episode 3, is that similar to the states? seems like quite a good show, interesting premise!

The fridge is packed full of baking, roasts and sausage rolls ready for shearing to start tomorrow, a very busy time here and looks like uncertain weather so it will drag out. We are hoping to get to Melbourne for the Day in Pompeii exhibition and St*r wars at science works before they close, but it all depends on this shearing.

Mainly farmy stuff to share, only sewing I have done is stuff I can't show just yet.

Canola is flowering, seems I have shared photos at this season a good few times, it is my 3 year blogiversary next weekend, that's gone quick. I wonder if there will be a competition?

I have taken a few photos of my girl, her friend..and Rosie, her pup...who should have had a bath!

Rosie fancied herself a sheep dog today, the pet lambs have grown..hugely...and got out and ate my rose garden today. We wont go into the ingratitude they are showing for those 4 hourly night feeds!! The "farm" dogs and kids helped get them in the orchard, quite a circus!

Weather is only just ok, but didn't stop the kids getting in th dam to celebrate the big Holden Bathurst win yesterday!Their father was celebrating even harder!

Hatched a late duckling out in my girl's hand the other night, thought you may like to see the last stages...

Gotta love the little egg tooth on the end of the beak, that will fall off withing a day ot two. Just there to do it's job.

And, here we are! It is truly amazing how things hatch...if they have been left unwarmed for longer than the hour a day they can manage in their incubation period, they will often continue to grow in the shell, but don't have enough built up energy to get out the die with the end in sight.

That's why we kept an eye on this one, the dawdling is often a bad sign but warm hands and a light did the trick and it went back to it's mum safely out. We never interfere and hatch them ourselves, even an hour too soon can mean they haven't fully absorbed the egg yolk and what's effectively their umbilicus wont heal up properly.

Better sleep, big days ahead!

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. Spring is lovely and your pictures are very heartwarming. It is the dark days of fall beginning here and the flowers are a nice reminder warmer days ahead.

  2. What a beautiful daughter and I love the flowers.
    I love to hear about the duck hatching and the pictures are great thanks for letting us share in the moment.

  3. Have fun with the shearing.

    I love the photos of the girls and the duck hatching

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  4. Once he is free that duckling is so gorgeous. Can't wait to show my girl.

  5. Stunning photos Tracey and that grass!!! Can't remember when I saw grass that green and lush. Just goes to show how dry it is when I drool over grass and not a duckling....roflmol. Hope you get to the Pompeii exhibition. Nicola went on Friday and loved it. Well worth the trip apparently. Good luck with the shearing. Hope it all goes smoothly with not too many hold ups with the weather.

  6. Love the canola! Haven't gone for a drive up your way this year yet to see it like we have the past few years. And pet sheep??? Well, as you can tell by my last blog post, they are pests, what else can I say?! Oh, they are cute too :)
    All the best with the shearing on such a wintry day...

  7. We're on episode 3 of Flash Forward here, too. Even though I've seen it over and over, I still can't get over the fact that we have opposite seasons, you in the southern hemisphere and us up here in the north! Enjoy your spring!

  8. Great pics. Hope shearing isn't too drawn out for you. Kids don't feel the cold do they!!

  9. More lovely canola photos - they're just so happy with all that yellow!

    And wow photos of the chick hatching.

  10. Golden Canola , it looks so beautiful, from small seeds big things grow, like your 3 year blogging. Have fun shearing .

  11. have fun with the shearing..........always love seeing the canola pics...........all gone here.......windrowed and starting to harvest........

  12. Oh my gosh, what an amazing set of photographs of the hatching. I'm in awe. As for the canola, it's glorious seeing it on all the paddocks round the ways. Can't help but smile at all that gorgeous yellow.

  13. Thanks for the comment on my blog Tracey but I emailed you with your swap partners details back on the 12th when you asked for them….
    It concerns me that you didn’t get that email as I sent it to the same address as I always do but then again there are quite a few emails that I've sent to you over the course of this swap that I have not received reply's to… I will forward them all back to you today along with your swap partners address.

    Take Care
    Jodie :)

    Please email me if you still can't find these emails...

  14. Amazing pictures of the duck hatching. Never knew they had a egg tooth, but it makes perfect sense!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!