Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The joy of pets!

One down and one to go....

The convention last weekend was a great success, everyone successfully fed, watered and entertained. We decided to do a little craft display to add to the mission and ministry displays. Thought you may like a peek at that-click on it to get it bigger.

I am about to go and start sewing and baking for this weekend's market, I think all emails are sent and the phone has stopped ringing for the moment so it may be all clear.

We have had a great loss here... my girl's Tom kitten drowned in a trough on Sunday night. DH and I rubbed, warmed and even did a bit of kitty CPR but to no avail, he was gone too long. He had only been outside for a while while we soaked his kitty litter tray. DD wrapped him in his favourite blanket and he is buried with his favourite toy under a tree with a sandstone "Tom" headstone.

DD was devastated and says she is giving up on cats, this is her 5th in 3 years-they are so well loved and looked after but something has happened to all of them. She now wants a pup...probably lucky as not that many cats are volunteering to come and live with us at this point!

DD and her Tom kitten with matching birthday cake..

I couldn't help thinking as I tried to warm the kitten and watched it optimistically for signs of life how horrific that would be if it were your real child...really doesn't bear thinking about.

Not a great note to leave you on, so how about the secret that there is a little white and black girl puppy sitting in the animal shelter at the local town just waiting to be picked up by an 11 year old pet lover on Thursday.....



  1. So sad, losing a baby, no matter what kind...I love orange and white cats and had mine, "Denis", for 15 years. He ruled the block and followed me down the street to the mailbox or to a neighbor's house or wherever. I think puppies are a lot more work, but you are used to animals!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about Tom Kitten

    I am glad that your family is adopting from a shelter, these animals need a second chance, and no doubt will be a much loved member of the family.

    .....do you think puppy will want to "help" with the farm chores?? LOL

  3. Oh I remember that picture from her birthday :-( Hope she is bearing up well and even I am excited about Thursday!

  4. How sad to lose a pet. I bet she will be excited to have a new puppy!

  5. Oh your poor girl! Tell her we out in blog land send our deepest sympathies to her.
    Can't wait to see pics of her and her new puppy!! Great idea mum!

  6. So very sorry to hear about the kitten.

  7. She surely has had terrible luck with kitties. We lost a beloved one a few years back and although we have another, we still talk fondly of dear Jack.

    I trust there will be pic of the new acquisition on Friday . . . .

  8. Hi there

    You have been on my mind lately and so it has popped out into my new blog


    On Sunday the 3rd and yesterday, Monday the 4th I mentioned you. Since I am a new blogger and learning all the etiquette, please let me know if the cutting and pasting from your blog and a reference to your blog is appropriate. When I went to bed last night I was second guessing myself and I am sorry that I did not ask permission to do the cut and paste. I will edit it out if you wish.

    I have loved reading your blog these past 6 months or so that I have stepped into this world, thanks to Kim's Big Quilting Adventure.

    I would consider it an honor if you followed my blog, I feel like I know you from reading your blog and making comments from time to time.

    Well, I am off to assist my DH in building a wash table for the garden.


  9. Oh it is too early in the morning for tears. Tom was the cutest little kitten, your girl must of been devestated. Hoping Thursday helps put a smile back on her face.

  10. Sorry for the loss of a special pet...but loved you all adopting another for that special girl. The quilt display looks wonderful. I love looking at your quilts...and adore the changing ones behind the chickens.

  11. so sorry to hear the sad news about DD's kitty. I can't imagine losing one,never mind five.

    I know she will be sooo happy with her new pup!

  12. Aww - poor little Tom and your poor daughter. Looking forward to some pup piccies. Can you imagine the look on her face ?

  13. Oh your poor darling, I can only imagine how she must feel about Tom Kitten. {{{{hugs}}}} I hope the new puppy will help salve the wounds. This is what happens isn't it, when we love something so much, it's terribly painful. Looking forward to seeing pictures and tales of the new puppy.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!