Friday, May 08, 2009

Meet Rosie

Okay, it is 12 past 12 and I need to be in bed, but I couldn't go without introducing you to Rosie....


She is an 8 week old Shih-tzu Maltese cross.

She wasn't completely sure about the collar and lead

But she was sure about her new owner, a perfect pair!

We had put Rosie cosily in the cubby house for the night-with assorted beds and toys, but it's getting cold so I just smuggled her into the kitchen,(she is recovering from a little bit of ladies surgery so surely a sleep in the house is allowed.)I will have to be the first up in the morning!!

Have a good day, Tracey


  1. Indeed a very sweet pairing. I think Rose should be allowed to be a "house dog", she looks the part. Oooh, but the puppy training! She is adorable though.

  2. A darling puppy. And your daughter is just beautiful.

  3. When I told Princess C-W she could have a puppy Rosie is what I thought we would get. But no! However we love Iz as she is - demonic possession and all ;-)

  4. Oh definitely! The perfect pair - a cute little puppy and a beautiful young lady to take care of her.

  5. Both Rosie and your daughter are absolutely adorable :)

  6. Not sure who's most besotted with whom - long may this love affair continue :o)

  7. What a gorgeous photo that last one is!! VERY CUTE PUPPY

  8. So cute. Both of them. What a lovely pressie

  9. Oh my goodness how do you even stand the cuteness?!?!!!!!! I love puppies!! Can't wait to hear all your training stories...heeheeheeheehee
    Love your daughters coat too!

  10. looks like you are having fun with your new puppy.......Fairy Girl

  11. Rosie is soooooooo cute and daughter too. Your daughter looks so much like you Tracey.
    Have fun with the new pup.

  12. Oh, they are both gorgeous! And Rosie should be a house dog - there are farm dogs and house dogs and they should know the difference!!!
    Lovely photos of the two of them, too!

  13. I don't know who's cuter - DD or Rosie. Lovely photos as always Tracey.

  14. You softie!! I have to say, she looks more like a house dog than a yard dog anyway. I think if I were her size and came face to face with some of the things that run around in yards, I'd cry and run away!! LOL

  15. how cute! And yes, Rosie definitely needs to become a house dog!

  16. We have had 2 Maltese Shitzu's and they are adorable, very loving and loyal little dogs. They love a cuddle and especially love to share your lap when watching T.V. so they are definitely well suited to being a house dog. Anyway Rosie is so very cute and your beautiful DD looks so very happy, I'm sure theirs is going to develop into a wonderful relationship. I look forward to reading about their adventures in the future.

  17. ~~~SQUEAL~~~

    OMG Rosie is absolutely gorgeous, what a cutie patootie. And I adore that last picture of your daughter and Rosie. The look on your sweet girl's face says it all.

  18. PS : Get a cat flap so Rosie can be inside/outside all day long.

  19. What a cute couple! Gorgeous pics of your daughter too.

  20. Your daughter looks thrilled to bits, and Rosie is just adorable.

  21. Awwww, Rosie is just the sweetest!

  22. What a gorgeous little puppy... I love the last pic of your daughter, just beautiful...

    Take Care
    Jodie :)

  23. Thank you for introducing us to Rosie! Both she and your daughter look delightful. Very precious. I posted picture of our Shih-tzu today before I read your post. We can swap puppyhood stories. How did you come up with her name?

  24. I can see you getting up early for a long time to come.The girls are both lovely.


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