Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chick gets a lift.

Ever tried getting a picture of a chicken on a calf??

Or is that still on your bucket list?

Now, before you say, Why?

...Say, well why not?

This chicken could probably come up with a few reason why not!!!

There are many other reasons you don't see many chick and calf pictures......

especially if you let them walk in the calf's feed first-
...(and how gross is that dribble-my chick should run and run hard!!)

The main problem is the lack of suitable chick saddle.

"If I am going to continue to be utilized for commercial purposes i demand a stunt double!!"

Would that be called a side saddle then?

How did I go?


  1. definitely able to cross that one from your bucket list:-)

  2. I have plenty of calves (soon) but no chicks. They say you should never work with animal and kids.( I cant see why) lol.. They look so cute anyway.

  3. Tracey, those pictures are priceless! I love them.

  4. How cute! And amazing that the calf gave that chick a ride....

  5. I always love your animal pictures Tracey! These really put a smile on my face this morning!

  6. did good, lol. I love the third photo, looks like the chick is riding and peering over to see what's ahead. Thanks for a good chuckle. :)

  7. Now I bet that required an assistant to be "chick perching and rescue" while you snapped pictures. ROFL--I loved it!

  8. Some years ago,we managed to get a picture of our cat with a toad on her head. The photo has long since disappeared,but it was really quite unique. I was reminded of that when looking at the chick on the cow's head here. VERY cute!!!

  9. That is so darn cute I'm grinning from ear to ear.

  10. Now that bought a smile to my dial. And just when I thought I have to get away from this screen and get out in the garden to spread bought cow dung around.

  11. Thank an ear to ear grin...


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