Thursday, March 19, 2009

Stitches and craft highlights bloggers.

Dear, oh dear, oh dear!! ...a week offline with satellite antenna problems and bloglines is screaming it has over 1000 posts for me to read...all the rest of you have probably given up, I was behind with my reading anyway! Anyway, I promise that next week I will be back visiting..and sewing!

Wicked was...well...wicked!! we loved it, DD reminded me of Vivian at the opera in pretty woman..she was entranced! She even spent her birhday money on the CD, which we have almost worn out since.

We have fortunately also uploaded it onto this fine new toy!

I have never had an ipod, the Sony CD stereo I bought with a very early "real" paycheck when I started nannying has served me faithfully for 18 years but I don't say no to a win..and I won this!! Answered the questions right at a recent field day and hey presto, a 16 GB ipod and speaker system. Have almost loaded my whole dodgy music collection on..and it doesn't seem to have blown up from my uncoolness ...or the dulcet tones of a Marty Robbins gunfighter ballad-so the world is good!
Had a fabulous time at the Stitches and Craft show...after a little detour to Ikea! There was a slight chance there for a while that DD may have had to be strapped to the roof for the trip home but I managed to keep my love of containers..and container systems-in some sort of check!
Saw the blogger section at the show, especially Jodie. Here are a few pics-she looked fabulously professional just at her site....
and then you got even more impressed when she was interviewed on the stage!! Amazing where blogging-and oodles of creative genius-can get you!! Jodie's famous selvedge dress was even on our national TV morning show!
She chatted about her sewing and her blogging, it was great!! And very entertaining as well.
I got some of her fabulous patterns . And can't wait to try them out.
I also visited Audrey and Maude and did some shopping.
My DD was a sucker for the puppies, i loved the elephant and DD is going to work on the canvas. She lasted very well for an 11 year old. i thought the new format of the show was very good-but i was bias as they highlighted blogging!!
We came home into a setting sun and I took some pics. I need one for a card and verse I have in mind...which of the four is your favourite?? You can tell me while I am travelling across the country in the next few days to see the V8 supercars first race of the season in Adelaide. DH and I will reintroduce ourselves to each other while the kids are safely tucked away here with my parents and stand up comedian brother-they WONT miss us!!!!! See you for a coffee and catch up in a few days when my life hopefully slows a notch or two...ready for a BIG bout of bushfire block sewing.
Have a great weekend, Tracey


  1. very interesting

  2. wow sounds like you had a fab time
    I love the first pic the best
    have fun on your trip
    hugs Beth

  3. I love all the pics - they need something inspirational on them don't you think???

  4. So glad you had a great time! Loved the pics of all your goodies.
    Welcome back...we missed you while you were offline. :)

  5. Glad to hear that you both had a wonderful time at Wicked and at the craft show. Jodi's stand was amazing wasn't it? Have a fabulous weekend with DH - you both deserve some time off.

  6. I feel the last photo is one that I like the best, however, they all are good.
    I have missed reading your blog. Your trip sounds great, especially having time with DH.

  7. How much fun I bet you had with Wicked. And my goodness what beautiful photographs. As for the show, are you foot sore?

  8. The pictures are awesome, no matter how many times you take a picture of a sun setting they are all different. Someone on the other side of the world is taking a picture as it creeps out to meet them for the day. Awesome.

  9. Great sunset. I thought i-pods were the most amazing invention UNTIL my husband bought an i-phone OMG I'm sure you could program it to clean your teeth for you, it seem to do everything else as well as hold your music collction.

  10. I like the last one best.

    Have a safe trip.

  11. what a lucky girl! that Ipod is super. I have one and love it. I've added some audiobooks too which I listen to when I sew.

  12. wow the famous Mrs Ric Rac bit different to last year with us sitting together listening to the other girls.......she was out there this year.........oh and did you buy a coat

  13. Oh it looks like you had a LOT of fun - love the last pictures

  14. Welcome back and WOW those photos...a fun trip too, you lucky lucky girls!


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