Thursday, March 12, 2009

Big couple of farm!

DD's Birthday "week" is about to come to a close with our second attempt at seeing this lovely show...
If you remember, last year we had tickets and DD had a temp. of over 40 so we missed out. Tonight should see a better result. Of course when you are choosing to see a musical and stay in Melbourne, you may also just accidently book it for the same time as the Stitches and Craft show. Blogging is going to be big there this year, with many bloggers featured...Ric Rac Jodie is one of them. Last year I was wandering around Stitches and craft with Chookyblue, Jodie and Annie's flower garden and this year Jodie will be a star!
I'll take lots of pictures for you, I hope DD can cope -can you put an 11 year old in a creche!!.....hee, hee


  1. Hope you and your daughter enjoy Wicked . . . we really love it!

  2. It is a great musical. And a what great weekend to do it on.
    Have a great time at the stitches and craft show. Looks like it would be a good one to go to.

  3. I truly hope you all have a great time. I am so wanting to see that show!

  4. Have a great time and Annie get to go and Jodie is famous this year......who would have thought last year.......and me well I miss out.........make up for won't you.........and I wonder if you buy a coat

  5. Have a wonderful time, a show and a musical at the same time ! I just love all types of shows, try to get to London as often as possible to see some of the shows. Luckly I live near the NEC in Birmingham UK and they has the best quilt show in the UK in August, Have got my ticket already !

  6. Hope you have had a wonderfull time . you certainly deserve the time out.

  7. Hope you had a ball at the show.
    I got there yesterday...Sunday and really enjoyed the wall of blogs.
    Bought some lovely fabrics and a bag pattern and handle.

    Have been missing your blog...somehow the title got lost...or I never got as far as the O's to find it.


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!