Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tea swap parcel.

My tea swap parcel has arrived in the mail. I am in this swap through Stephanie's Loft Creations blog, I just haven't put the logo in my sidebar as my sidebar hasn't let me in for almost 12 months!! Can't subtract or add, can't do anything with it. I am hopeful one day I'll just go there and something magical will happen and it will Aladdin's cave, hey I hadn't thought of trying his password!!

I received the most beautiful table runner from Belinda at Brown Dirt cottage-hand quilted as well,- beautifully hand quilted may be a better description!

I am in awe of hand quilters, so thank you so much Belinda. I loved all the other things as well, especially the pieced pot holder, the family are all under threat of death should they dare use it as a pot holder!! The kids also say a big thank you for their chance of seeing those in a pic! Dd is working on her cross stitch and the pencils went straight to school..and DS only has the tin left ...for treasures!!

Gosh Belinda, I just hope your swap present is half as good.....

My weekend away was great...saw a little of this fellow.....

and he even sang my favourite, Gundiwindi moon,

Mostly saw a lot of this....

...with not half enough of the Holdens in the lead...oh well, always next year! Fortunately also saw a few shops as well and, like a well organized squirrel, should now be right for the winter!

I made hexagons on the trip over, veged on the way back. I'll show you the hexes another time.

finished these little wallhangings for my kitchen before I left, from Blackbird Village, i love house prints with quilts hanging on them, so this was a fun make.

Got a call from the bushfire couple who received the beautiful quilt from the blue mountains today. I hadn't thought about thankyou calls...proved fairly emotional, but if that is only the start of how people will feel when all these other blocks are sewn and the quilts are given out you should all be very proud to know your donations are really making a difference. I have a heap more to show, am waiting for a sunny day to lay them outside for you.

Have a great day, Tracey


  1. GORGEOUS! What a lovely swap package from Belinda. I think I'd just sit and admire it for hours. :o)

  2. Belinda's hand quilting is so pretty. What a great swap!

  3. What lovely presents you received and that hand quilting is amazing. Good to hear that the weekend went well and you enjoyed yourselves.

  4. what a wonderful package..........mine is still flying around somewhere........pleased you had a good weekend...........

  5. Oh boy, you got to see V8s? I'm jealous, I shan't tell Hunney, He'd be jealous too. Glad you enjoyed your trip.

  6. Free pieced rose on the right side of your blog-----look for the book, Petal by Petal. I think you'll like it and want to make those flowers too. Go to Amazon book and look there.
    I like your table runner with the diamond shapes, quilted circles. Nice.

  7. Oh my gosh! That quilting is GORGEOuS! WOW, what a great swap gift!

  8. My package FINALLY arrived..thank you.

  9. Your swap produced some lovely articles, especially the hand quilted runner.

  10. Tracey good on you organising all those quilts!

    Love the handquilting on your TR - didn't your swap sender do a fantastic job!!

  11. Tracey, your quilting is gorgeous, but what caught my eye in this post was your mention of "Holden" in terms of racing - it's my family name, so it definitely piqued my interest! Can you tell me more about them, please? I didn't know they were in Australia as well as England... Thanks!


Thanks for finding the time to comment, I'll try hard to get back to you!! Sorry, have had to add word verification step due to comment spam!