Friday, February 06, 2009

A job for the heat.

I don't know about you, but exreme constant heat is not my thing.( Though my MIL doesn't take her jumper off until it hits 40!) I have noticed that you start to get used to it and what would have had you lying under the air con on Day 1 doesn't stop you as quickly a week or two later. I also think you alter your ways, you are not quite so hurried and work an energy saving manner. I have witnessed this more laconic style among people who live all the time in Northern, tropical Australia and I can see the advantages.

We have been fortunate here, compared to some of the other Southern, normally milder states. we have dropped to mid 30's this week, while others still swelter in the 40's. Tomorrow is to be 40's again here, with some hope of a shower of rain.

But back to the idea of continuing to work in the heat. My Dh has a theory that you don't notice it as much if you are actually working and I must say that when I am in the sewing room working on a quilt I barely notice it at all.

There is another job I could nearly handle in these temps as well.....

Last week, while on holiday, we got up early one morning and stumbled the 100 or so metres that would allow us to watch this....

...and no, I am not talking shirtless rowing.. (though, now you mention it!!))

The district race horses are in training and, in the heat especially, an early morning swim keeps them fresh.

I am not an incredibly horsey girl, violent asthma from as much as a stray horse hair entering our home until I grew out of it in my early teens meant I missed the bonding window, but I still like the look of them...and would happily drape quilts on their backs for photos if I had one!

But, if I weren't a very happy farmer, wife and mother, swimming these around (and rowing them around if I was allowed the odd dip) the ocean would be high on my list of jobs I could cope with in the heat, how about you?

Oh, before I go-the shirtless rower reminded me that I have a question. I watched the Superbowl on Monday as Australia's Ben Graham was a punter.. and I want to know how come our AFL footballers put shorts over their bike pants and the US guys just wear the bikepants??? Is there some kind of petition we Aussie girls could start......

I also want to know what the rules are...but that's a whole different post!!!

(I can say, the half time entertainment i understood...Yay Springsteen!!)

Aussies, stay cool; Northern girls , stay warm!


  1. I'm working on staying warm, seems to be a full time job. When I was a kid, riding a horse right into the lake in summer was just part of summer. Riding a swimming horse is an experience I won't forget. Love horses with their soulful eyes...

  2. Rowing a boat looks hard enough without a horse! But with a horse! No wonder Mr Shirtless looks pretty good.

    Dreadfully hot here too. High 30s and we are nudging 40s.

    Stay cool!

  3. I'm working on staying warm.
    I don't 'do' horses, but I know that swimming is often used as a therapy for them after an injury and I guess a cooling dip is just what a doctor would order for any thing living with those kind of temperatures,

  4. I am so not built for this weather either. Working or not. Oh actually, there's no way I'd take a sickie in this weather as we have ice cold AC at work. Not so here at home. I feel sorry for the animals. What great pictures of the horse. As for tomorrow I'm just going to make like a clam and go sit in my clam shell! haha

  5. All I say is it has been far to hot. They are indeed very lucky horses in Warrnambool and such a grwat sight to see. I don't understand the Superbowl we play footy for 4 qtrs and they seem to play all day timeouts and seem to get nowhere. I was hoping that the cARDINALS WON THEY WER 45 SECONDS SHORT OF FAME WHEN THE OTHER TEAM SCORED AN TRY AND GOAL....STAY COOL TOMORROW GOING TO BE A HOT ONE

  6. We are trying to stay warm here - supposed to be up (FINALLY) in the mid 40'sF for the next couple days. The horses look like they are having fun - that would be an awesome job to have - especially with the heat you've been having. Stay cool!

  7. Trying my hardest to keep warm, but Spring isn't that far away.

    Love horses and, yes, that is one job I'd love to do.

  8. Loved the pics of the horses, Tracey (and the shirtless rowers were a bonus!) I'm O/S at the moment, where it's cool and rainy today in California. Poor kitties, locked in their kitty condos at home, are sweltering, I'm sure. And our poor old horses...I'll bet they're huddled under the trees...

  9. hmmmm padded bike pants (I mean, they have pads on everything in that game) or fit young aussie blokes running around in tight shorts and tight tops.. I know which I prefer (I am not a bum/packed lunch girlie, more a biceps and washboard stomach kinda girlie).. I dont think I wanna understand the rules of that game, much prefer aussie no rules and NRL anyday!

    who is in lovely a/c at 6.30am.. waiting for the concreter to arrive (who will be shirtless, but its the neighbours son, who I've known for 18 years, so no lusting after him, he was a booger 5 yo when we moved in)

  10. I am sooo glad I am a Nothern Girl and it has been so cold here the city's water pipes are freezing-I have to run water 24/7 until spring to have water. I have been keeping warm and I wilt in hot weather.
    My Grandparents had race horses and they built a indoor pool for them for winter training and injuries.
    Great photos-keep cool
    BTW American football is an acquired taste.


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