Sunday, February 08, 2009

All fine

Hi, running out the door to my dad's birthday but I have had a few emails and I am just checking in to say we are fine here, the closest big fire was over 100 kms away. We spent a fairly tense day filling the bath and containers and living in trepidation as the temp reached 46 (or over 116 F) and the winds got close to 100 kms an hour in parts. ( I did what all women do in a crisis after battening down the hatches...I made a quilt!) But we were very fortunate.
We can only add our prayers to the families and townships that that are still under threat and have lost some of the 25 dead. Today is cooler and milder, rain is what we all need.


  1. Sheesh! How far is 100 kms in miles? I hope you get the rain that you need and cooler temps. Sorry Mother Nature is being wicked bad right now. Hugs!

  2. pleased to here you are safe.............just hot here........few more days til the change gets to us............

  3. Sounds like your day was the same as mine, although I didn't manage to make a quilt!!!

  4. Glad you're ok. Hope the fire situation improves soon.

  5. You guys are big news over here. I am so glad that you and your family are all safe and sound!!!
    Will be saying some prayers for you all today,

  6. Glad to know you and your family are doing fine - wild fires are just so awful. No way to predict what they will do next. Hoping that the milder weather continues so the upper hand can be gained on the flames.

  7. Hi I'm popping in (nosing around) fellow Time For Tea Swappers. We have race horses being trained on the beach here. The Grand National 3X winner Red Rum trained that way too.

  8. Glad to hear you and yours are ok...I thought of all or Aus bloggers when I heard about the fires on the news today. Stay safe.

  9. I"m glad you let us know you are okay but we are still all so sad for the others who aren't as fortunate. I hope those fires stop soon.

  10. So glad you are fine Tracey :c)
    hugs Robyn xx

    It's been a terrible time.


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