Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A finish..and a start.

If you have read Australian blogs in the last few days you will know that we picked just the right days to head to the ocean on holiday. Temperatures of between 41 and 45 degrees here with little or no wind, then hot strong northerly's were enough to fry my garden (what was left of it anyway) but down on the coast we had the sea breeze which made it bearable....and an ocean and pool....

Almost too hot for Dh here so he basically joined us on holiday, only retruning daily to mainly check stock and water. So it was lucky I didn't decide to take the sewing machine!!! I took some hand work and managed to finish this UFO.....

Which was stipple quilted with the quilting machine.

The little pekin silky chickens were fresh from the shell
...and thought the little white dots on the green border were food!

So that will be one item finished for May Britt's challenge. I also worked on my lone star and have about half of the star appliqued to the backing. You will be pleased to know I Really enjoyed my holiday but there were no beach campfires....total fire bans throughout the state for days!

I will show you some holiday snaps next post, there are too many for now.

Seven weeks of School holidays just flew, I think my babies grew by multiple inches...my not-yet -11 year old's feet went up by over 3 women's sizes since her last fitting...a 9 1/2 now! I was that until I had kids, then moved to a size 10...just another one of those joyful things about pregnancy! we both have a good solid hold on the earth.
They were ready for the bus with half an hour to spare so I got a lot of shots, here are two I like...well, we should probably say 2 where my DS is not making some kind of dodgy face...his new favourite way to annoy his mother!

The poor little boy had run around bare foot mainly in bathers all the summer; putting a collar and tie and socks and shoes on tried him sorely!!

Have a great day, off to clean!! Tracey


  1. Glad you had a good time away. We just got back from five days away too. Definitely the right time. And the washing/cleaning/unpacking is the downside of a holiday.

    I only took handwork too. Far too hot for sewing machines!

  2. Why is it they look pristine on the first day of term and it goes downhill after that? LOL
    Your quilt looks great, the models as always are superb.

  3. Aren't your kids good to pose for the required new school year photos. I'm very impressed. I didn't even bother to ask mine to pose - I considered the fact that I had them to school with only one fight between all three too good to be true...vbg.
    I'm so glad the holiday went well and you had those cool breezes. Much nicer than baking in the heat. The quilt is just stunning. Enjoy your cleaning.

  4. First day of school - always anticipated by the mommy's and dreaded by the children that must wear shoes *s*

  5. They look waaaay too happy for the first day of school. Very cute photos of them!

    We have heard about your terrible heat wave. Too bad that we can't put the middle of the US and your place in a bag and shake them up together. Both would appreciate the relief.

  6. Very cute photos of your kids - they look happy for the first day of school. And your quilt looks fantastic! Glad you had a good holiday!

  7. You're lucky to have such great weather! It's been zero to minus 10 degrees F nights and zero to 20 degrees above during the days here in Upstate New York. Really cold and windy. BRRRRR!
    I just wanted to let you know that you've been "tagged" by me, Tracey. You and your blog are now the recipients of the Honest Scrap Award and the Your Blog is Fabulous Award. Please go to my blog and see what you need to do. Go to: http://quiltingwithamarmaladecat.blogspot.com/

  8. Lovely photo of the kids and what a lovely quilt,...congratulations on the finish


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